University Master's Degree in Social and Labour Rights

Do you want to dedicate yourself to labor and Social Security advice or to the management of human resources or in the Public Administration? Interested in a career in research? This is your Master

Content Official Master's Degree in Social and Labour Rights

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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Ideal student profile

The master's degree is aimed at future professionals interested in and with understanding of studies related to the labour force and business organisation from a social viewpoint, as well as the management of new social security features and complementary social protection measures, taking into account both local and state administration systems.

Basic skills

  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Specific skills

  • Identify and interpret the legal frameworks that regulate employment contracts and mark out companies' powers to lead and manage their human resources.
  • Identify and apply case law and constitutional doctrine on basic labour rights, especially on the treatment of diversity within companies.
  • Recognise legally-based collective labour disputes and collective disputes of interest in companies, identify out-of-court legal mechanisms to solve these and interpret the resulting agreements and arbitrators' awards in legal terms.
  • Apply legal techniques for decision-making in personnel management.
  • Interpret and apply the laws on the nature and functions of workers' representative bodies and on collective bargaining.
  • Interpret the broad currents of ongoing change in the social security system, including the different complementary systems and the regulation of their transnational dimension.
  • Identify and apply responsibility sociologically in various contexts: flexibility of labour, social policies and active labour market policies .
  • Apply techniques of socio-occupational auditing to take decisions regarding personnel management, acknowledging and orienting the needs of the persons in one's workplace.
  • Evaluate the fiscal aspects of CSR and its effect on human resources, knowing and applying the code of good tax practice.
  • Show a critical attitude and conscience when interpreting and enforcing the law in particular situations that involve using legal arguments to resolve a dispute or other problem.
  • Use advanced study techniques to prepare research projects on the legal regulation of labour relations.
  • Understand laws, legal institutions and sources of law within a unified, interdisciplinary vision of the legal framework.

Cross-curricular skills

  • Apply systems, media and technologies for obtaining and providing information in one's profession or research.
  • Look for new areas to open up within the field.
  • Recognise the human, economic, legal and ethical dimension in professional practice.
  • Lead interdisciplinary teams in varying environments.
  • Analyse, synthesise, organise and plan projects related to the area of study.
  • Apply a specific methodology, techniques and resources to conduct research and produce innovative results in the area of specialisation.