University Master's Degree in Physiotherapy of the Thorax

Advanced training in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy for professional physiotherapists capable of adequately fulfilling therapeutic and preventive needs in all areas of health

Content Official Master's Degree in Physiotherapy of the Thorax

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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Master's dissertation

The Master's Dissertation makes up one compulsory module of 12 ECTS credits. Guided by their tutors, students work individually to conduct a complete, research project on cardio-respiratory physiotherapy, using interdisciplinary methodology. This will be used to assess integration of programme content and the competences to be acquired by each student. At the same time it will enable them to learn the research methodology from beginning to end.

The students will be assigned an academic tutor while working on the Master's dissertation, to guide their work and monitor their progress throughout.

The Master's dissertation will be assessed by a panel of lecturers on the programme and defended by the student in an open session.