University Master's Degree in European Integration

Academic and professional specialization in European studies in response to the social demand of specialists in European subjects, both in the field of public administrations and the private sector

Admission Official Master's Degree in European Integration

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 27th to the 1st of May: Registration is open!

You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.

Teaching centre's admissions calendar

Del 12 de gener al 2 d'octubre de 2024
El proceso de admisión se efectúa mensualmente hasta la fecha final de la preinscripción. El día 15 de cada mes se revisarán las solicitudes presentadas hasta aquel momento y se resolverán a final de mes. Si una solicitud se presenta el día 16, será resuelta a la siguiente tanda.