Prizes to the best TFG's with gender perspective

The call stems from the agreement signed by the ICD with the UAB’s Faculty of Law to organise a prize to the best TFG in each of the degrees in the Faculty in the academic year 2014-2015. Since the year 2015-2016, the Observatory carries out this initiative but extending it to all the faculties at the UAB. Since the year 2018-2019, the call receives a subsidy of €1000 by the ICD.

These prizes have as a goal to raise awareness among students on gender equality and non-discrimination by promoting their interest on research. Likewise, we want to include gender perspective in teaching and promote gender as an interest point in research and study at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Who can participate, procedure and deadline

This prize is open to undergraduate students from any UAB Faculty who have written their TFG over the academic year 2023-2024 and fulfil the following requirements:

  • The TFG may be of any area of knowledge. It must have been written during the academic year 2023-2024 and obtained a minimum grade of 8.5.
  • The TFG must apply gender perspective when treating the researched phenomenon described in section 3 of the rules.
  • The length and language of the TFGs will follow the rules established by each Faculty.

Group TFGs are also eligible for the prize.

Students willing to take part will have to sign up by filling the online form.

The deadline to register is open from Juny, 17th to September, 27th, 2024.


The Observatory for Equality gives the prize to the best TFG with a gender perspective for each degree.

The prize will will be a Diploma issued by the UAB’s Observatory for Equality for each of the authors of the TFGs awarded for each degree. Likewise, the UAB’s Observatory for Equality will publish the TFGs on its website and promote them, reserving the right of use of the research’s content notwithstanding that established in copyright regulations.

The prize will be handed over at an academic event, which will take place in March 2025.






Investigación sobre áreas inseguras en perspectiva de género y su propuesta de solución en Rubí

Author: Naghely Candia Morales

Degree: Management of Smart and Sustainable Cities

Abstract: Analysis of urban safety from a gender perspective of the population of Rubí. To carry out the work, a survey on perception of security is used, interviews are carried out and a virtual feminist mapping is used. A map is created presenting the problem areas and the five most critical points, as well as possible infrastructural solutions.




Elaboració d'una exposició infogràfica amb perspectiva de gènere: dones científiques en la història de les ciències de la salut

Author: Jana Caniego Saurina

Degree: Biology

Abstract: As for future perspectives, the project is designed to be used in any educational or socio-cultural situation as an educational tool.


Nettie Stevens y la determinación cromosómica del sexo 

Author: Celia Ortiz Barcina

Degree: Genetics 

Abstract: Educational work on Nettie Stevens, an American biologist and geneticist who discovered the basis of sex determination: chromosomes X and Y. Moreover, another objective has been teaching the general population about basic genetics and to raise awareness in society about the under-representation of women in science in the past and current situation. The press and social networks have been used as means of dissemination.


Séverine Sigrist, creadora del pàncrees bioartificial

Author: Estel Grajea González

Degree: Biomedical Sciences

Abstract: It is an educational work to make women scientists visible. Séverine Sigrist is a French biochemist, cellular biologist and neuroscientist who has based her professional career on the study of diabetes and research into treatments for this disease. Her professional milestone has been creating a bioartificial pancreas that allows the restoration of insulin secretion in diabetic patients.


Rita Levi-Montalcini: woman, Jewish and scientist.  

Author: Inés María Calvo Pena  

Degree: Biochemistry  

Abstract: Rita Levi-Montalcini (Turin, 22 April 1909 - Rome, 30 December 2012) was an Italian neurologist who discovered the first growth factor in the nervous system, for which she received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1986. She belonged to a family of Sephardic Jews in a fascist Italy under Mussolini’s control, who promulgated the `Manifesto of Race', that prohibited Jews from university education and professional practice, a fact which, together with the traditional values and mentality of her father against girls pursuing professional careers, made her scientific career difficult. Nevertheless, she continued her studies in hiding and also outside her native country and made great and important discoveries. 



Des d'abans de néixer: un relat de la violència obstètrica   

Author: Anna Biosca Rubia  

Degree: Journalism  

Abstract: Obstetric violence is the kind performed by medical staff towards any pregnant person, but it is part of a larger framework: the patriarchy.  Des d'abans de néixer: un relat de la violència obstètrica is a written report that collects the testimony of women who have suffered it and of professionals who provide their insight into a term that has generated controversy in the health field, but that has allowed this form of patriarchal violence to be visible.




Gender stereotypes and roles in children’s literature at the school Octavio Paz  

Author: Manel Márquez i Serna

Degree: Primary Education – English

Abstract: This case research study is focused on analysing through gender perspective the current situation of gender stereotypes and roles in children's literature at the school Octavio Paz. Results have revealed that in the books sorted between the publication years 1980-2022, there is still a clear gender bias in the representation of male and female identities. Overuse of cisheteronormative language in the books and underrepresentation of LGTBIQ+ identities were identified.



Vivint sota el sostre de la violència: donant llum al sensellarisme femení en perspectiva de gènere  

Author: Carla Canceller Lladó   

Degree: Social Education

Abstract: My Final Degree Project (TFG) aims to explore the experience of sexuality in both men and women over the age of 65. It is a reality that sexuality in general, and in old age in particular, is taboo. This TFG aims to make this sexuality visible to try to eradicate many prejudices that directly affect the quality of life of these people.


La feminització a l’educació infantil

Author: Sara Gamarra Maza

Degree: Primary Education

Abstract: The aim of this final degree project is to carry out a research project from a gender perspective, analysing and investigating some of the historical, social and educational issues that have contributed and still contribute to the selection of the early childhood education degree, that is, to its feminisation. To develop this case study from a qualitative and interpretative paradigm, a questionnaire and interviews have been created to analyse the answers of the degree in early childhood education’s students at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


La perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la UAB: una observación participante con las docentes

Author: Olga Mampel Alonso

Degree: Pedagogy

Abstract: Nowadays, gender perspective (EP) in university teaching is an increasingly widespread concept in the field of higher education. Therefore, it is a concept from different perspectives, often quite contradictory to each other. In Catalonia, the Gender Conceptual Framework (2020) defines the EP in education from a multidimensional, transformable and transversal approach, and reflects from feminist epistemologies on the need to transgress Eurocentric, postcolonial and discriminatory boundaries and educational practice.


Per una educació menstrual enfocada a la Justícia Global: Guia per a mestres de cicle superior d’educació primària: portem la menstruació a les aules de 5è i 6è.   

Author: Lídia Moya Vila  

Degree: Primary Education

Abstract: Our society has established menstruation as a taboo subject, so there is a lack of information and awareness about it. For this reason, menstrual education is essential and needs to be promoted from childhood. Following this line, and taking into account that there are no tools that allow teachers to include menstrual education in their programming, the main objective is to provide primary school teachers with access to a tool to incorporate menstrual education in their programming in upper secondary classrooms and in a cross-cutting manner.



Ments (in)habitables: L'experiència viscuda de les persones trans i dissidents de gènere com a usuàries dels serveis d'atenció a la salut mental a Barcelona   

Author: Anna López Rodríguez  

Degree: Sociology  

Abstract: Gender emerges as a strong determinant of health, especially for trans and gender-dissident people, who are at a higher risk of suffering mental health problems tan the cisgender population and the rest of the LGBTIQ+ community. From a biopsychosocial perspective, a feminist epistemology applied to sociology, a decolonial gender perspective and a depathologizing perspective of trans identities, this research aims to give voice, through semi-directed interviews in life history format, to the experiences of trans and gender-dissident people as users of mental health care services in Barcelona.


La semilla roja del feminismo catalán: el pensamiento político de Giulia Adinolfi

Autoría: Marta Roman Martos

Degree: Political Science

Abstract: The following essay analyses the feminist political thought of Giulia Adinolfi. The paper focuses on the idea that feminism, as a mass movement, demonstrates the hegemonic character of the interests of the working classes. Adinolfi challenged the dominant ideas of orthodox Marxism, believing that feminism and the worker’s struggle should form a unity of action. For this reason, her thinking was characterised by her contribution of a vision of the feminist struggle that did not coincide with the generalised conception of Catalan feminism at the end of the 20th century.


La creació de continguts en el món dels videojocs

Author: Paula Osorio Recorda

Degree: Applied Statistics + Sociology

Abstract: Content creation in the world of video games is increasingly becoming a career option for many young people. This research is an exploratory study that aims to find out why there are so few female content creators in the world of video games and what are the factors that explain this, which are relevant since those who reach the highest level end up becoming references for different generations. This study has been carried out using a mixed methodology, which includes both interviews with content creators and a survey of women aged between 12 and 45, and has shown that there is a gender gap that separates women from the world of video games.



La Herramienta de valoración de los puestos de trabajo. Una medida eficaz en la lucha contra la brecha salarial

Author: Eva Molina Solé

Degree: Law + Labour Relations

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse one of the main causes of discrimination against women in the workplace that directly influences the wage gap: the evaluation of jobs and their consequent professional classification. In October 2020, Royal Decree 902/2020 on equal pay for women and men was approved, aimed precisely at eliminating the gender pay gap. The purpose of this paper is to analyse it in detail, make a critical assessment of it and, where appropriate, make proposals for improvement.



¿Cómo responde el sistema penitenciario vasco a las necesidades de las mujeres? Una perspectiva de género e interseccional.

Author: Itziar Apezteguia Echevarria

Degree: Criminology + Law

Abstract: This research aims to examine how the Basque penitentiary system responds to the specific needs of women, from a gender and intersectionality. The theorical analysis presents the profile of women in prisons, both at a national and European level, as well as small theoretical review on the adequacy of treatment programmes for them. The results indicate that the Basque Country is far from attending to the needs of women and that the time spent in prison is a step backwards for their social rehabilitation.



Violència econòmica, una modalitat de violència de gènere  

Author: Irene Machín i Castellà  

Degree: Law

Abstract: This paper addresses economic violence in the Penal Code in relation to the legislative initiative proposed by Judge Lucía Avilés in Judgment 44/2020, which deals with the crime of non-payment of pensions. This legislative initiative calls for the modification of the legal system to include economic violence as a form of gender violence. A study of the concept of “economic violence” is made to configure the framework that justifies the proposal of this legislative initiative and the need for its application.




Les Infantes de Grècia. Eulògia Làscaris i les seves filles a la Corona d'Aragó: un clúster femení a la Península Ibèrica

Author: Pere Gonzalez Alerm

Degree: History

Abstract: The aim of this work is to offer a state of the art about the presence of Eudoxia Laskarina and her daughters in the Crown of Aragon. Emphasis will be placed on Euxodia’s life journey starting from her Byzantine origins to her establishment in the Iberian Peninsula. By analysing previous studies, of a positivist nature, new working hypotheses will be suggested to amplify the vision of the topic.




Working-Class Sissies: Analysing Class, Masculinity and Sexuality in Pride and Billy Elliot   

Author: Bàrbara Hernández González   

Degree: English Studies   

Abstract: A 14-year-gap separates Billy Elliot (2000) from Pride (2014), which despite sharing many similarities, also maintain some core differences. The main aim of this paper is to analyse how class, masculinity, and sexuality intersect in the films. It will dissect how both films prioritize personal success narratives over the collective cause, evoking a turn towards neoliberalism and homonormativity. Moreover, the masculinities featured in the films will be studied in relation to homophobia, the hypermasculine façade, and violence.   



La cotidianidad del género fantástico en Silvina Ocampo  

Author: María Eugenia Bersztein Celata  

Degree: Spanish Language and Literature

Abstract: Silvina Ocampo, one of the most renowned authors of fantasy literature, presents situations in which the disorder of reality occurs almost imperceptibly, that is, she shows the disturbing within the everyday. She deals with issues related to childhood and femininity from a perspective in which she transforms reality in order to question it. The stories “Autobiografía de Irene”, “La casa de azúcar”, “Amor” and “El diario de Porfiria” are analysed, focusing on girls with special abilities; language, writing and its limits; the double; the cruelty of his female characters; and love relationships.



Les gegantes, un complement dels gegants?: El fet geganter des d’una perspectiva de gènere i social

Author: David Caelles Fernández

Degree: Humanities

Abstract: The geganter fact provides a historical overview of the representation of gender in popular culture, as it emerged in the 15th century and has become a tradition rooted in contemporary society. Even so, this paper fins that, to date, there is no comprehensive study of the geganter fact from a gender perspective. The research conducted discerns the social connotations, gender mandates and male domination intrinsic in the geganter fact based on stereotypes and gender roles and social reproduction, which are perpetuated in the male and female giants, and in the people of the geganters community and those involved in the folkloric elements.


Pudica, Potens, Atrox: Caracterització de dones al poder a les fonts primàries

Author: Aina Cami Ramonet

Degree: English and Classics

Abstract: This paper focuses on the representation in primary sources of women who indirectly exercised power. After an approach to the historical and social context and the sources, it analyses the lives of Livia, Agrippina the Younger and Agrippina the Elder and the lexicon used to describe them. To see whether the characterisation of women in power changed over the centuries, a comparison is made with three medieval English queens: Eleanor of Aquitaine, Isabella of France and Isabella Woodville.



Abra cadabra, dones en la màgia!

Author: Pol Batlle Blanch

Grau: Social and Cultural Anthropology

Abstract: This paper aims to approach the universe of Catalan illusionism through historical research, the narratives of the female magicians themselves, and the application of the ethnographic method of observation by participating in a magic circle in Morella. In a context where female magicians are not recognised, the research provides a compilation of their voices and experiences. Thus, gender, women and androcentrism are the main axes guiding this research, with gender inequality and discrimination being the main themes. Gender roles in illusionism, the unequal distribution of power and the resulting gender stratification are analysed.


M'he fet meus els carrers. La percepció de les dones respecte l'espai públic del barri Antic de Manresa

Author: Clara Cirera Castellà

Degree: Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning

Abstract: The aim of this Final Degree Project is to demonstrate how the needs and experiences of women in public spaces as a single group are not real and that these opinions, experiences and perspectives of public space depend on the social categories in which each woman identifies herself, as well as the use employed and the knowledge she has of the space. However, we also wanted to show how the physical characteristics (lighting, state of the buildings, cleanliness, accessibility…) and social characteristics (established relationships, activities carried out, daily life, bonds…) of the Old Quarter of Manresa affect women’s experiences.


Geografies de la infància i temps de lleure en entorn rurals: experiències i percepcions de nens i nenes de cicle superior de primària   

Author: Elisabet Geli Soler  

Degree: Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning

Abstract: The current research is framed within children's geographies, in particular those children educated in rural areas. It explores the meanings that boys and girls give to the spaces they use and live in during their leisure time and the ways they interact with. For that purpose, we have given voice, listened to and we have worked with students between eleven and twelve years old from a rural school located in Pla de l'Estany.



Les dones en els videojocs: videojocs feministes pel canvi social  

Author: Laura López Vollmer  

Degree: Socio-Cultural Gender Studies  

Abstract: This research-oriented TFG responds to the problem of masculinisation of videogames, and the digital gender violence that is perpetuated in them. Its main objective is to demonstrate (and vindicate) how videogames can become a feminist pedagogical tool that leads to social change. This is why a cultural artefact will be produced in the form of a gamer guide, which will justify the relevance of the study: to fill the knowledge gap that exists around this topic, covering parallelly the gap of empowered female references (both in front and behind the screen) that children, especially girls and non-binary children, lack.


Las ficciones contractuales del sexo. Una argumentación a favor de la despenalización del trabajo sexual a través de la teoría política del republicanismo

Author: Celia Fernández Ordoñez

Degree: Philosophy

Abstract: The essay argues for the decriminalisation of sex work and its regulation through labour law in order to mitigate the precariousness and exploitation of sex workers. The main legal models and the specific intervention policies derived from them, as well as their practical consequences, are presented. Also, adopting a republican perspective, it explores the specificity of the form of exploitation and its causes, and explores the possibility of a form of freedom through the interference of the law and the guarantee of certain material conditions.


Lights and Shadows in Disney-Pixar’s Luca: From Normalizing Tender Masculinity to Perpetuating Heteronormativity in Children’s Cinema  

Author: Lisandra Muñoz Cabrera  

Degree: English and French  

Abstract: The Walt Disney Company is a world leader in mainstream culture for adults and, particularly, children, hence the relevance of studying how its films portray gender. In the last few years, the audience has witnessed that male protagonists have gradually become more vulnerable and sensitive. In this dissertation, I analyse how masculinity is portrayed in Pixar's film Luca (2021), principally through the two main characters, Luca and Alberto. I suggest that they provide the audience with a tender view of masculinity. Instead of showing stereotypical traits related to young boys, they connect emotionally, openly show their feelings, and support each other, contributing to dismantling prejudices about intimacy between boys.   



Identitats a la cruïlla: les cançons emblemàtiques en el col·lectiu queer valencià  

Author: Alejandro Arribas Miranzo   

Degree: Musicology

Abstract: This paper proposes an approach to the confluence, from an intersectional point of view, of two axes of identity inequality, Valencianess and queerness, seeking to study their manifestation in music. To do so, the historical and social conditioning factors that explain the situation of both dissidences in the current Valencian Country are explained, and three song are analysed, chosen for their emblematic nature regarding these communities and claims, in order to find the elements that structure their character as emblematic songs for the Valencian queer community.



Associació entre ressonància magnètica nuclear cardíaca i clínica en patologia isquèmica miocàrdica en dones: a la recerca de nous protocols  

 Author: Nicolás Umpiérrez Mayor  

Degree: Medicine

Abstract: In this paper we show that, although cardiovascular disease and, particularly, ischaemic heart disease, is one of the main causes of death among women in industrialised countries, they are under-represented in cardiology studies. In addition, the atypical clinical presentation in woman leads to poorer recognition of the pathology both by women and the health professionals who care for them. This inexorably leads to a worse prognosis of ischaemic heart disease in the female population.


Experiència de les dones d'edat avançada amb una mort fetal tardana: un estudi fenomenològic.

Author: Laia Maestre Guàrdia

Degree: Nursing

Abstract: Older pregnancies have been increasing in number in recent years, and as a consequence, late stillbirth must be considered as an increased risk factor. The experiences of older mothers with late stillbirth in their first pregnancy are explored through a hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative study. Study population defined as all women treated at Vall d’Hebron residing in the Horta Guinardó district.



Cíborg feminista o cíborg feminitzat. Ciberautoetnografia sobre la identitat, internet i gènere  

Author: Ada Claver Díaz  

Degree: Psychology

Abstract: I’m Ada, I’m twenty-three years old and I’m a cyborg. Yes, you read that right. I am a cyborg and you probably are too. I communicate with people beyond the space I am in, instants become permanent photographed in one click, and in another I can buy a hamburger, a vibrator or a bicycle wheel and have it delivered to my home. In the early nineties, Donna Haraway (1991) in the Cyborg Manifesto uses the cyborg as a metaphor for the possibilities of the internet to suggest a way out of the labyrinth of dualisms in which we have explained our bodies to inhabit a feminist world. It explores the relationship between identity, the internet and women.



The translations and recreations of 'Torikaebaya monogatari'  

Author: Rafael Montón Gómez   

Degree: Translation and Interpreting

 Abstract: 'Torikaebaya monogatari' is a late Heian court tale about a half-sister and a half-brother who exhibit a behaviour typically associated with that of the opposite gender. After they switch genders and climb up the ranks of the imperial court, they are forced to revert back to their original genders. While the tale was well received by coetaneous audiences, judged by its critique in the 'Mumyzshi', Meiji scholars deprecated it on moral grounds. This paper attempts to detect the main areas of contention between the selected texts, which undoubtedly lie in their particular depiction of sex, gender and sexuality, and construct an understanding of the Torikaebaya as a cultural artefact in a global society.  


Un «entreacte» de fronteres transcendibles: Anàlisi sobre gènere i sexualitat al teatre Takarazuka  

Author: Aurora Gargallo Pla  

Degree: East Asian Studies  

Abstract: Starting from an initial interest in the enigmatic aura of the otokoyaku, an immersion into the fantasy world of Takarazuka Revue and its gender play starring the otokoyaku (male-role actresses) and musumeyaku (female-role actresses) is proposed. Drawing on extensive documentation that has combined sources on theatre with classics of gender thought, it considers whether the markedly binary roles of the musical works leave room for some kind of transgression, both narrative and extratextual, of gender discourses.



Seguretat urbana amb perspectiva de gènere. Localització i identificació d'espais insegurs per a les dones a la ciutat de Mataró 

Author: Natalia Esteve Fernández 

Degree: Management of Smart and Sustainable Cities

Abstract: The project consists of carrying out a study on urban safety from a gender perspective, focusing on women in the city of Mataró. The perception of insecurity and fear felt by Mataró's women will be evaluated following a specific methodology known as an exploratory march. In addition, a series of interviews will be carried out in order to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences, sensations and perceptions felt by the women during their night-time journeys. In this way, the results of both methodologies will be analysed in order to be aware of the areas studied that accentuate the feeling of insecurity and the characteristics of the environment. A map will also be drawn up to visualise, in quantitative terms, the degree of insecurity perceived by the mataronines in each part of the area studied.



Consideracions de Gènere: Monitor de Salut Prenatal 

Author: Antoni Parramon Naranjo 

Degree: Computer Engineering

Abstract: Considering the increased concern on gender bias in software developments, international standards such as the IEEE P7003 have emerged. Awareness has been raised from different social and academic fields about the damage that can be caused due to poor software design or development due to its bias, as is the case with some artificial intelligence and big data algorithms, especially those related to health care or the justice system. However, there is life beyond software development and that is why this paper focuses on the importance of hardware design and, among other things, pointing out the problems that arise from the lack of a gender perspective in working groups and the IT sector.




Grete Hermann i els Fonaments de la Mecànica Quàntica 

Author: Gal·la Mora i Abelaira 

Degree: Physics

Abstract: Grete Hermann’s (1901-1984) recognition for her contributions to the foundations of quantum mechanics has grown in recent years. Hermann studied transcendental idealism as an assistant to the neo-Kantian philosopher Leonard Nelson (1882-1927). This philosophical ideology made her interested in the latest developments in quantum theory, as they questioned the law of causality. Hermann analysed the reference texts of quantum mechanics with the initial aim of proving that the formalism could admit hidden variables in a way that preserved causality. This paper studies Hermann’s refutation of von Neumann’s proof, and puts forward different interpretations of this proof. It also presents the evolution of Hermann’s conception of causality, which is the common thread of her contribution to physics.



La perspectiva interseccional al relat periodístic sobre Les Kellys: estudi comparatiu de la premsa tradicional i alternativa 

Author: Laura Alzueta Navarro and Ona Bachrach Barba 

Degree: Journalism

Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to study the application of the intersectional perspective to the news coverage of Las Kellys (hotel maids), a collective subjected to triple discrimination (gender, ethnic and class oppression). We make a comparison between the traditional and alternative press from the quantitative and qualitative analysis of a sample of texts published in El País, El Mundo, El Salto and Pikara Magazine.



Análisis de la representación del lesbianismo desde una perspectiva feminista en la trama Luimelia en "Amar es para siempre" y en su "spin-off" "#Luimelia" 

Author: Sara Castillo Hidalgo 

Degree: Advertising and Public Relations

Abstract: The feminist movement and LGTB+ claims have evolved over the years, but we continue to live in a heteropatriarchal system. This has been transferred to fictions, which perpetuates social imaginaries and, consequently, television has become the media of construction and transmission of models for society. Therefore, the objective of the work is to analyse and compare the representation of the lesbian plot of the soap opera Amar es para siempre (based on the 70s) and its spin-off #Luimelia (based on the 2020-21) to verify if there has been an evolution and how it has been.




Les sexualitats i l’educació primària: un estudi de cas d’una escola de Terrassa 

Author: Ana Vilar i Caldero 

Degree: Primary Education

Abstract: The aim of this work is to observe and analyse how sexualities are experienced in the school environment; and to know if the environment encourages the students to talk about sexuality, gender identity and sexual orientation. To do so, a focus group dynamic was carried out, the headmistress of a preschool and primary school was interviewed, and a fifth-grade primary classroom was observed. This allowed us to see that the teachers are under-trained in sex education, and this can lead to students receiving little or poor-quality education in sexuality. We also observed how gender stereotypes and gender roles are present in the school context, and how the impact of teachers is detrimental to the self-esteem of children who identify with the female gender.


Mirades coeducatives a Catalunya: concepcions i experiències de professorat i alumnat en centres d’educació secundària 

Author: Xènia Gavaldà Elias 

Degree: Education Studies

Abstract: This research reviews the coeducation models of two public secondary schools in Catalonia which introduce a gender perspective that subverts the traditional school grammar. It pretends to highlight the different approaches that contribute to the aim of eradicating gender violence in the educational setting from a located perspective.



La transició a la vida independent de les joves tutelades per l'administració a Catalunya. 

Anàlisi des d'una perspectiva de gènere 

Author: Lorena Rodríguez Osuna 

Degree: Social Education

Abstract: Upon coming of age, the young women under the administration’s care are asked to take a “giant step” that means for many of them a complete change in their lives. This work is the result of a study focused on the transition to independent life of young girls in care, applying a gender perspective and basing it on a qualitative methodology, interviewing girls under guardianship and professionals from the protection system. Knowing how the gender variable affects the construction of their path towards autonomous life, how their reality is configured and the difficulties they find in a context full of challenges and prejudices that limit their opportunities; this are the objectives that this research has reached.



Com t’imagines la vida amb 30 anys?: Joventut, projectes de futur i vida quotidiana 

Author: Hayat Said Xixons 

Degree: Sociology 

Abstract: This research analyses the link between young people's social context and their life projects, especially the aspects related to everyday life. Through an intersectional lens, these projects are documented and analysed, focusing on their connections to gender, age and social class. To answer the investigation question, the research was based on a qualitative methodology consisting of 11 semi-structured interviews with young people.



Efectes socials de les polítiques sobre prostitució en les treballadores sexuals a l'estat espanyol 

Author: Talia Martínez Pérez 

Degree: Political Science and Public Management

Abstract: The aim of this work is to show the social effects that the regulation of prostitution in Spain has on sex workers, especially on migrant women, who make up the majority. In addition, it will explain why all traditional ideological models violate sex worker’s rights and how and why the current development of public policies on prostitution is ineffective in providing an appropriate regulatory framework for prostitution. The research methodology of the study is theoretical. The study was carried out, on the one hand, on the basis of an analysis of the legal framework that regulates the situation of sex workers in Spain, consisting mainly of the legislation that regulates prostitution itself and the law on foreigners. In addition, the social effects of these policies have been analysed on the basis of a research bibliographic review on the subject.



Comparativa d’organitzacions criminals en el tràfic d’ésser humans amb fins d’explotació sexual 

Author: Júlia Soler Prats 

Degree: Criminology

Abstract: Trafficking in Human Beings is one of the cruellest realities in the world today. It is a contemporary form of slavery that violates human rights, human dignity and fundamental freedom. From the point of view of organized crime, Trafficking in Human Beings is one of the most important emerging markets. This dissertation compares the different modus operandi of criminal organizations in Nigeria, Romania and China that commit the crime of Trafficking in Human Beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Catalonia. The main objective of this work is to analyse whether the current police strategies, used to tackle this crime, are susceptible to improvement.



Protocolos contra el acoso sexual y por razón de sexo en las empresas: análisis de las medidas de actuación 

Author: Joana Cuyàs Moreno 

Degree: Law

Abstract: Sexual harassment and harassment based on sex is one of the most prevalent manifestations of violence against women in our society, particularly in the workplace. As a result of a greater awareness of the seriousness and scope of the problem and a growing intervention and control of company measures in this respect by the public administration, equality issues are the order of the day in all companies. In this sense, the present research consists of a systematic analysis of the different aspects related to the content in the protocols of action against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex in companies.


El treball a domicili: un recorregut històric. Experiències a Mollet del Vallès 

Author: Paula Bas Mellado 

Degree: Labour Relations

Abstract: This Final Degree Project (TFG) analyses the evolution and development of home-based work from the 19th century until today. This research has been carried out on the basis of the study and consultation of academic doctrine, historical and normative research, legislation and the contribution of testimonies. The development of informal work, the type of work done, why it was done, as well as the legal, social and economic consequences were analysed. This research also focuses on the type of home-based work carried out in Mollet del Vallès, as one of the largest industrial towns of the Vallès Oriental. This analysis will be done through oral testimonies.



L’arqueologia de Corea: una exploració des de la perspectiva de gènere

Author: Queralt López Saloni   

Degree: Archaeology

Abstract: Gender perspective is necessary for a good comprehension of both current and past societies, but does it apply to everywhere? Is the concept of gender the same outside the West? This work will try to shed light to these questions, by looking at the case of East Asian archaeology and taking an approach based on research on the Silla kingdom, in Korea. At the same time, the study process used will be described, bringing to the table the problems we encounter when the focus is outside the West: the accessibility of sources of information will be analysed, as well as the awareness of the Spanish State to learn and educate itself about the rest of archaeologies, outside the European and Anglo-Saxon world.


Anihilating Vanity: attempting to light the match in George Eliot’s Silly Novels by Lady Novelists (1856)   

Author: Clara Sánchez Artero   

Degree: English Studies

Abstract: Throughout history, women have endured unfair treatment, gender and inequality by virtue of their feminine sex. Precisely during the Eighteenth Century, women novelists were habitually regarded as unable to be writers, but just as women who wrote. In consequence, their Works were not taken into account, and they were judged outside of literature, who was written essentially by men. George Eliot is the pen name of Victorian novelist Mary Ann Evans, an open and strong-minded woman who wrote about social topics with a realist insight. In spite of being a remarkable writer, her harshness towards her fellow women novelists are questioned. This Final Degree Project (TFG) will define Eliot’s concept of ‘silly’ while identifying her main criticisms and her notion of ideal novel.


Poison damsels: una aproximació històrica i literària a les dones verinoses, enverinades i enverinadores   

Author: Mar Esteban Rius   

Degree: English and Classical Studies 

Abstract: The following research tackles the origins and development of the relationship between women and poison, both in history and in literature. It aims to generate a comprehensive analysis of the literary figure of the Poison Damsel as a poisonous, poisoned and poisoning woman. Firstly, the connection between femininity and the use of natural remedies – used both to heal and to kill – will be analysed, focusing on three main chronotopic contexts: Ancient India and Rome and the British Victorian period. Ensuingly, John Todhunter’s play The Poison-Flower will be analysed as a case of study in order to determine both the perpetuation and the reinterpretation of the Poison Damsel.



Prostitución, violencia y resistencia en Las Malas de Camila Sosa Villada y El lugar sin límites de José Donoso   

Author: Aida Plata Pérez   

Degree: English and Spanish Studies

Abstract: The aim is to analyse the prostitution spaces presented in the Camila Sosa Bad Girls and José Donoso’s Hell Has No Limits to regard how prostitution is presented as both a space of resistance and violence for the Latin-American travesti subjectivities. To do so, theoretical notions on gender by Teresa de Lauretis, Kimberé Crenshaw and Judith Butler have bee used. Moreover, the idea of travesticide, the employment situation of travestis in Latin America, travesty subjectivity and legislation on self-perceived gender identity in the continent will be explored. All this will be useful to see how literature helps us understand the realities silenced by the official discourse on travestis.



Cuirizando la cuestión trans. Sobre la corporalidad transfemmenina. Marikonizando. Bollerizando. Feminizando. Materializando.   

Author: Carmen Joa Peralbo Bruno   

Degree: Gender Studies

Abstract: This critical monograph points out the problematisation of the trans question from ‘queerisation’ transfeminine and queer bodies. This work is a nod to Susan Stryker’s formulation in Transgender Feminism. Queering the woman question where the need for the trans phenomenon and its contributions to this present third wave of feminism is presented. Through this proposal, from the specific context of Spain in the 21st century, ‘queering oneself’ deals with a bet on the strategies of queer disidentification from the materialist conceptions of Wittig, Deleuze and Stryker together with the approaches of Karen Barad’s neo-materialist theory. Moreover, a chapter is devoted to the relationship between the neo-capitalist model, based on the criticisms made by Nancy Fraser, and the construction of trans and queer bodies within it. With all this in mind, a systematic bibliographic review of the different authors is done using two definitions of transfeminity, one mainstream: Wikipedia Spain and the other authorised by the medical discourse: the DSM-V. Thus, they are presented with the aim of reviewing the phenomenon of transfeminity from a material point of view, highlighting the [hetero]normative dimension that it entails.


On/Scene. Políticas de producción, reproducción y ficción artístico-postpornográfica   

Author: Laura Lara Carmona   

Degree: Philosophy

Abstract: This research examines the different policies on creating an alternative pornography, considering pornographic content as an artistic-cinematographic genre. It is divided into three main blocks that respectively analyse the production, reproduction and pornographic fiction processes, all included in the last section. Through different authors, the problematics of the different ways of rethinking pornography are presented, assessing the aesthetic contribution within these new trends.


Monges i patrimoni del monestir de Santa Maria de les Franqueses de Balaguer (segles XII-XIII)   

Author: Núria Rodoreda Parés   

Degree: History 

Abstract: This work aims to study the female Cistercian monastery of Santa Maria de les Franqueses. In particular, it will analyse the heritage that the monastery acquired during the 12th and 13th centuries and the heritage that the novice nuns brought with them when they entered the monastery. In addition, we will focus on the figure of its founder, Dolça of Urgell, and on the management of this monastery.


La mujer en el cartel de la Belle Epóque   

Author: Esther López Sanchez   

Degree: Art History 

Abstract: This research is based on the role of women in Belle Époque posters (Jules Chéret, Toulouse Lautrec and Alphonse Mucha), focusing locally on Ramón Casas. The representations of this medium were versatile and varied depending on the target audience and what was being advertised: a cabaret or a café-concert, a play, alcoholic beverages or tobacco, locomotion and food. Therefore, the most representative typologies of posters are dealt with, in which iconographies of the “deviant” woman or femme fatale and the “ideal” woman are differentiated, with a great influence on the arts from the Renaissance to the Pre-Raphaelites, the decorative arts…).


La filosofia invisibilizada: la historia de Margarita Porete   

Author: Laia Tomàs Gisbert   

Degree: Humanities

Abstract: La filosofía invisibilizada: La historia de Margarita Porete (The invisble philosophy: The story of Marguerite Porete) becomes a final degree project that aims to give visibility to the Beguine and mystic philosopher, Marguerite Porete, as well as to recover her essence and analyse her ideas through her work, The Mirror of Simple Souls, in which she retraces the testimony of the Beguine spirituality, being a compilation of all the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the philosopher herself towards God.



La realitat trans i la seva relació amb el sistema sanitari: la carència educativa en perspectiva de gènere a la professió mèdica   

Author: Rita Martínez Camacho   

Degree: Medicine

Abstract: Between the definitions of ‘gender’ and ‘sex’ there is a border space where trans people exist. The debate arises, then, over what always has been considered unquestionable: the differentiated masculine and feminine diagram according to the cultural definition (gender), but there is also room for the biological aspect (sex). In this research the aim is to research the opinion and level of knowledge of the health professionals and medicine students regarding gender, transsexuality and the LGTBIAQ+ community in general. In addition, it is intended to study the deficiencies of the health system that trans users identify according to the experiences they have had in this area. This way, an investigation is to be carried out into whether there is an educational deficiency regarding to the deficient medical perspective of a trans patient.


Vivències de les persones LGTBIQ+ majors de 65 anys en el procés d'Atenció Primària

Author: Cecilia Raij Johansen

Degree: Nursing

Abstract: the LGTBIQ+ elderly is a vulnerable community, affected by constant discrimination and invisibility. This is reflected in primary care, where care is not personalized and inclusive enough. They have specific needs that are not covered, and this fact has a negative impact on their health. To analyse this phenomenon, it is essential to contact the affected persons and to obtain their experiences, observing what relationship they have with the nurses and whether that identify in them sources of difficulty for the community’s health. A qualitative study with a descriptive phenomenological design, through a semistructured individual interview, is proposed.



Deprimidas, Culpables y Medicalizadas. La transformación de la desigualdad en Psicología a través del abordaje de la depresión desde la perspectiva de género 

Author: Núria Martín Alcázar 

Degree: Psychology

Abstract: From a feminist perspective, depression is included in the concept of gender malaise and it is considered that the greater prevalence of depression in women is due to the situation of inequality and subordination in which they find themselves, their own role and identity, the socially established mandates of femininity and masculinity, the cultural construction of depression and the psychopathologisation of natural processes. By incorporating a gender perspective into the biopsychomedical model, depression will be approached in an intersectional and contextualised way and women will not be seen as being to blame for their malaise. Nor will they be pahologised and consequently medicalised, thus avoiding the side effects of pharmacological and electroconvulsive therapies, the passive role of women in their recovery and the stigmas associated with their roles and identity, reducing the discomfort this causes and generating a greater understanding of their needs.




Monstruosidad femenina en la cinematografía japonesa: el caso de "Audition" 

Author: Irene Pereira Moral 

Degree: East Asian Studies

Abstract: The present work explores the notion of feminine monstrosity present in Japanese horror cinema through the movie Audition. The study is conducted with a gender perspective, walking through the male imagery of monstrosity, both western and Japanese, and exposing how such conception perpetuates control over women's identity and sexuality. Furthermore, the Japan of the decade in which the film was produced is sociologically contextualized in order to understand that it responds to the fears of Japanese men in the face of the crisis of traditional values. Finally, a cinematographic and cultural analysis of the film is made to determine if a feminist reading of the work in question can be inferred, despite having been produced through a male gaze.



Análisis de una problemática traductora y propuesta de una traducción con perspectiva de género. El caso de "Revolting Prostitutes: The Flight for sex workers' rights" 

Author: Laura Gomez Membrado 

Degree: Translation and Interpreting

Abstract: Inclusive language is a highly controversial topic nowadays, because it involves changing the stablished rules and, in consequence, changing the way we talk and think. This research aims to find out what it means to translate with a gender perspective. Moreover, it also aims to research how strong the patriarchal charge in language is. With these objectives in mind, an extensive literature on the main topic (translation with a gender and feminist perspective) will be provided, and, subsequently, specific terminology related to the field of sex work that poses a significant possible translation challenge will be analysed, studying possible translation alternatives from a gender perspective.





Arts and Humanities

The Representation of Male Character in Judith Drake’s An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex (1696): An Educational Proposal

Author: Nausica Vicens Salomon

Degree: English Studies

Abstract: This TFG is focused on contends that the intellectual capacity of women is equal to that of men. Through her observations on male's character, Drake offers a full psychological portrait of men through ridiculous and satirical figures. The way she depicts the “follies” of male behaviour allows her to corroborate the faults of the opposite sex and, hence, describe her own proposal for a solution. On the other hand, she believes that a re-education of men is needed in order to change the balance of power, especially through a positive female influence.



Health Sciences

El VIH des d’una perspectiva de gènere. Vivències de dones amb VIH respecte l’atenció sanitària rebuda

Author: Júlia Sebastià Martínez

Degree: Nursing

Abstract: The minor role of women with HIV, both in scientific research and in advertising campaigns, as well as the role of men in HIV as the main patient of the disease and the lack of medical protocols that include both genders —the female and the male— leads us to question the efficacy of the healthcare services provided to these women. In order to interpret the experiences of women with HIV regarding the care provided by health personnel in the hospital field and primary care centres in Barcelona, it is proposed to carry out a qualitative hermeneutical phenomenological study.



Sciences, Biosciences and Technological Sciences

Dones i sabers. Un recorregut a la Vall d'Alinyà per a recuperar el coneixement sobre plantes medicinals

Authors: Sheila Escobar Peregrina, Carla Ojeda de la Viuda, Jessica Ozoekwe Bendehane, Berta Parramon Calbó

Degree: Environmental Science

Abstract: This project exposes the knowledge that women own on medicinal plants, as well as their properties and remedies; after centuries of oral transmission, generation after generation, is getting forgotten. With the purpose to point out the value of this knowledge, we identify 14 medicinal plants, we interview local women and experts, for such to obtain properties and remedies, and to carry out the design of a botanic itinerary in the route of l’Aiguaniex, at the Vall of Alinyà.



Social Sciences and Law

Mujer minera: resistir en el Cerro Rico de Potosí

Author: Maria Bros Carreras

Degree: Journalism

Abstract: Mujer minera: resistir en el Cerro Rico de Potosí (Miner women: to resist in Cerro Rico de Potosí) is the struggle of the women miners of Cerro Rico de Potosí (Bolivia) against the exploitation to which they are subjected every day as a result of the system that surrounds them. Through three of the most representative female figures in the Bolivian mining sector, the palliris, the guards and the miners’ widows, the documentary shows the testimony of the female workers and brings to light the flagrant violation of human and labour rights they suffer. A violation that is mainly exercised by the mining cooperatives and their partners given the indifference of a Bolivian state that ignores what is happening in Cerro Rico de Potosí.



Faculty of Biosciences

Perspectiva de gènere en les guies docents del grau de biologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Author: Laura Puig Martínez

Degree: Biology

Abstract: Teaching and knowledge have historically been based on androcentric science, without taking into account the vision and interests of women. The gender perspective in the educational system is key to overcoming false objectivism and traditional science, which is incomplete and biased. This paper aims to analyse whether the gender perspective prevails in the Biology Degree and, at the same time, to give visibility to the importance of this perspective in science.



Faculty of Science

Dones i sabers. Un recorregut a la Vall d'Alinyà per a recuperar el coneixement sobre plantes medicinals

Authors: Sheila Escobar Peregrina, Carla Ojeda de la Viuda, Jessica Ozoekwe Bendehane, Berta Parramon Calbó

Degree: Environmental Science

Abstract: This project exposes the knowledge that women own on medicinal plants, as well as their properties and remedies; after centuries of oral transmission, generation after generation, is getting forgotten. With the purpose to point out the value of this knowledge, we identify 14 medicinal plants, we interview local women and experts, for such to obtain properties and remedies, and to carry out the design of a botanic itinerary in the route of l’Aiguaniex, at the Vall of Alinyà.



Diagnòstic de la sensibilització sobre discriminacions i violència de gènere a la Facultat de Ciències de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Author: Joana Elorduy Masip

Degree: Applied Statistics and Sociology

Abstract: This work arises from the interest of the Faculty of Science of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to diagnose the state of the awareness among the university community on gender discrimination, gender violence, and more globally, which is the perception of the faculty as a safe workplace for women. Based on these premises, a survey has been designed, distributed and statistically analysed in order to create an image of the current situation in this field.



Faculty of Communication Studies

Mujer minera: resistir en el Cerro Rico de Potosí

Author: Maria Bros Carreras

Degree: Journalism

Abstract: Mujer minera: resistir en el Cerro Rico de Potosí (Miner women: to resist in Cerro Rico de Potosí) is the struggle of the women miners of Cerro Rico de Potosí (Bolivia) against the exploitation to which they are subjected every day as a result of the system that surrounds them. Through three of the most representative female figures in the Bolivian mining sector, the palliris, the guards and the miners’ widows, the documentary shows the testimony of the female workers and brings to light the flagrant violation of human and labour rights they suffer. A violation that is mainly exercised by the mining cooperatives and their partners given the indifference of a Bolivian state that ignores what is happening in Cerro Rico de Potosí.



ADDWOMEN. Presència de dones en els departaments creatius d'agències de publicitat a Espanya (2019)

Author: Aina Suárez Arenas

Degree: Advertising and Public Relations

Abstract: The object of study of this research is the measurement of the presence of creative women. In this case, data is obtained on the number of creative companies that make up the creative departments of the main agencies in Spain. The female-male ratio is studied from the analysis of technical data sheets of the campaigns that have been published on the website during the period of 2019.



Faculty of Education

La coeducació, una eina per abordar els estereotips de gènere i l’orientació sexual

Author: Àlex Reyes Castillo

Degree: Primary Education

Abstract: The purpose of this final degree project is none other than to present two co-educational projects born in the city of Barcelona and how they work on the unlearning of gender stereotypes based on a critical, reflective and feminist view of the world. School is an institution of social transformation and thanks to projects such as those studied, children can acquire different ways of looking at and understanding the world around them, leaving behind the prejudices and gender stereotypes that dominate today’s society.



El mite de l’amor romàntic a Infantil. Com entenen l'amor les nenes de P5?

Author: Silvia Casado Barahona

Degree: Early Childhood Education

Abstract: The myth of romantic love is still present in today’s society and there are many negative aspects that stem from it. Therefore, the main objective of this project was to check what conception 6 girls from P5 course have about love and the acceptance of different kinds of love and relationships, and to check whether or not they are influenced by the myth of romantic love. The study has shown that most of the girls are strongly influenced by the myth of romantic love mainly transmitted by the audiovisual and literary materials that the family and the school make available to them.



Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

Un debate abierto: ¿Es posible un feminismo musulmán?

Author: Ariadna Cruz Félix Menjíbar

Degree: Political Science and Public Management

Abstract: This paper aims to present a very latent debate within feminism: the compatibility of feminist discourse and practice with Islam. The issues to which this dissertation responds can be summarised in two questions: Is there a place for Islam within feminism? If so, how is it possible to carry out this project? In this way, the aim is to explore the possibility of finding in Islam a discourse in favour of gender equality.



Jugant a ser homes. (re)produint masculinitats "gamer" a YouTube

Author: Maria Padró-Solanet Casajuana

Degree: Sociology

Abstract: This research looks at the phenomenon of Gamer Youtubers as transmitters of a masculine gender identity. In this way, a qualitative analysis of the masculinity projected in the videos over the last decade is made. As well as a comparison among the characterisations of traditional hegemonic masculinity, new hegemonic masculinity, and geek masculinities.



Faculty of Law

Joves i prostitució: el paper de la masculinitat en el sexe de pagament

Author: Laura Ruiz Sarrión

Degree: Criminology

Abstract: In recent years there has been an increase in the consumption of commercial sex among young men, who have been raised in a context of sexual liberation and pursuit of gender equality. On this basis, the present investigation intends to analyse the relationship between the consumption of heterosexual prostitution amongst young people and the social conception of masculinity, the search of which has been understood as a motivation to pay for sex. Thus, after determining the legal framework and the scale of the phenomenon in Spain, we have deepened in the concept of hegemonic masculinity and we have exposed different studies regarding men who paid for sex, as well as their motivations.



La feminización del trabajo a tiempo parcial. Instrumento de discriminación indirecta por razón de sexo

Author: Ainoa Roa Ameigidez

Degree: Law

Abstract: This work deals with the reality of part-time work for women workers within a gender perspective framework. This recruitment model has become an instrument that discriminates the female sector based on its most characteristic element: working time. It is this aspect that has turned part-time hiring into a “feminine ghetto”, in words of labour union organisations. Throughout the work the reasons why this situation is a reality are raised.



Les seccions femenines. Front Únic Femení Esquerrista

Author: Yolanda Salomon Salas

Degree: Labour Relations

Abstract: This research is based on the constitution of the Front Únic Femení Esquerrista, during the period of the Second Spanish Republic. This front is the struggle of republican women for their rights and their recognition of freedom.

These feminist movements were always led by important women from the world of politics, literature, culture and sport.



Faculty of Economics and Business Studies

Los estereotipos de género en el mercado de trabajo

Author: Violeta Jódar Mendoza

Degree: Economics

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to explain the possible influence of gender stereotypes in the labour market based on the observation that today men continue to occupy more leadership positions in companies, organisations and institutions than women. This invisible barrier that imposes a limitation on women’s professional careers is known as the glass ceiling




Faculty of Arts and Humanities

La cura com a bé comú: L’experiència de La Glacera, un grup de criança compartida

Author: Marta Rosell Codina

Degree: Social and Cultural Anthropology

Abstract: This paper analyses the experience of a shared parenting group in Barcelona. These frames of reference represent a communal alternative to the system of social organisation of care, hegemonically based on the sexual division of labour and underpinned by the capital model of unequal social production and reproduction. Based on several ethnographic fieldwork forays between 2017 and 2019, it is examined how this collective model of parenting moves towards the democratisation of care, theorised by feminist economics, and how it is moulded within social movements defending the urban commons.



Estudio bioarqueológico de los individuos subadultos de la Zona Muralla de la ciudad romana de Iesso (Guissona)

Author: Tania Vergara Cubero

Degree: Archaeology

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is the bioarcheology study of the sample of nine immature individuals from the archaeological site of Roman city of Iesso located the municipality of Guissona in the area of La Segarra. The main objective of this research will be to analyse and interpret the high incidence of graves belonging to immature individuals found in the courtyard of the ‘Outside Building’ (Wall Zone), to understand the nature of burials and as it relates to the ‘Outside Building’.



The Representation of Male Character in Judith Drake’s An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex (1696): An Educational Proposal

Author: Nausica Vicens Salomon

Degree: English Studies

Abstract: This TFG is focused on contends that the intellectual capacity of women is equal to that of men. Through her observations on male's character, Drake offers a full psychological portrait of men through ridiculous and satirical figures. The way she depicts the “follies” of male behaviour allows her to corroborate the faults of the opposite sex and, hence, describe her own proposal for a solution. On the other hand, she believes that a re-education of men is needed in order to change the balance of power, especially through a positive female influence.



La sacerdotessa de la polis. Estudi de les fonts literàries i epigràfiques al voltant de la sacerdotessa d’Atena Pòlias a Atenes

Author: Maria Navarro López

Degree: Classics

Abstract: This paper deals with Ancient Greek religion from a gender perspective through literary and epigraphic sources and from the specific case of the priesthood of Athena Polias in Athens. The characteristic features of the female priesthoods in Ancient Greece and of the hereditary priesthoods in Athens are presented. The priesthood of Athena Polias in Athens in the 5th, 4th and 3rd centuries BC is described: the history of the office, the main functions performed by the priestess, the festivities in which she participated and the recognition given to the different priestesses during those centuries are studied.



Travant les paraules, bastint el poema. La poesia de Montserrat Abelló (1963-2014)

Author: Marta Comas Planas

Degree: English and Catalan

Abstract: Monserrat Abelló burst onto the Catalan literary scene in the early 1960s when she published Vida diària. It was after her third book, El blat del temps, that Abelló published more continuously, always combining translation with poetry. Regarding translation, her feminist work is unquestionable. Certainly, her translations of the work of Sylvia Plath, Adrienne Rich and Anne Sexton were pioneering and made it possible to read confessional poetry in Catalan. The present paper is a study of the Abellonian corpus of poetry.



Com construir una dona tràgica: mort i maternitat a la tradició teatral occidental

Author: Laura Rubio Garriga

Degree: English and Spanish

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the representation of female characters in the western dramatic canon, and to do so along two axes: motherhood and death. On the one hand, motherhood as a defining characteristic of the role of women in society, as a confirming fact of womanhood. On the other, death, as the only way out in tradition for those women who subvert or attempt to subvert the canonical type of femininity. The existence of female characters who create referents, who make it possible in the imaginary to dissent from what is expected of them, cannot be allowed to exist.



Le langage inclusif: analyse des techniques linguistiques en langue française

Author: Mireia Bas Barrio

Degree: English and French

Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the linguistic techniques of inclusive language in French. The linguistic techniques are classified into three typologies: morphological, lexical and typographical. The main aim of the linguistic techniques studied is to include the female and non-binary sex in everyday discourse, and to adapt the language to the particular and collective reality of all individuals in society.



Gestació per substitució i el principi d'autonomia en les gestants

Author: Cristina Bonvehi Puig

Degree: Philosophy

Abstract: The great transformations that our world is undergoing thanks to technological and scientific progress are increasingly present. These transformations entail ethical reflections on the use of current practices. The aim of this paper is to approach gestational surrogacy as a current practice that arouses controversy in society and, especially, in bioethics. After a review of this practice and a sample of the problems it entails, a consideration of some of the arguments that compose its debate will be made.



La violencia contra las mujeres en la Grecia clásica

Author: Marina Prior Pulido

Degree: History

Abstract: From the academic world, studies on the period traditionally known as Classical Greece (5th and 4th centuries BC) have been abundant; the phenomenon of Athenian democracy is one of the events that mark this era and has generated the construction, by historiography, of an ideal around these centuries and, specifically, around the history of the polis of Athens. With all this and the tendencies of traditional historiography to exclude women from historical studies, there are few cases in which violence against women is a central theme of historical analysis.



Las Mujeres en el cine neorrealista italiano

Author: Pilar Varela Fernández

Degree: Art History

Abstract: Our reality is based on the following truth: both history and the world of arts were dominated and written by men. The fact that this has remained unchanged up to the present day does not mean we should continue to defend it. The dissertation focuses specifically on women in Italian neorealist cinema, both in relation to the place they occupied within the film industry, and the vision of them on the screen. It is as well examined how it affected society and, above all, how it affected the advance or the retreat of the mentality of the time.



Cuerpo, género, enfermedad: Identidades dolientes y estigmas identitarios en Sistema Nervioso de Lina Meruane

Author: Laura García Villalba

Degree: Humanities

Abstract: “Cuerpo, género, enfermedad” aims to create a reflective thread about our perception of illness and its social repercussions. This research refers to the problematisation of the sick body and painful identities. In short, through the analysis of the novel Nervous System by the Chilean author Lina Meruane, the theoretical framework and the presumed reality shock of the present research —presented in the appendixes— are embedded in a reflexive journey around aspects such as gender, corporeality and, finally, the impact that illness has on our lives.



Cuerpos impúdicos: Instagram y feminismo

Author: Ailen Abdala Vadillo

Degree: Spanish Language and Literature

Abstract: Identities can be glimpsed among the selfies on Instagram. And with them we discover that, in fact, the app offers a space for subaltern voices to express themselves. A new feminist strategy can be noted: to publish oneself partially or totally naked in order to empower oneself. But, based on the fact that they are the same tools patriarchy uses to objectify female bodies, is this possible?



Electra: submissió o empoderament: Anàlisi de l’arquetip de feminitat del personatge d’Electra segons les interpretacions operístiques de R. Strauss, J. Soler i M.D.Levy

Author: Ona Alonso Romer

Degree: Musicology

Abstract: This project proposes an analysis of the femininity archetype that the character of Electra embodies in the opera’s world during the late modern period. With the purpose of understanding how the musical language influences and reflects this feminine model. To come to the conclusions, an analysis and a comparison will be carried out between the opera Elektra (1909) by Richard Strauss, based on the Sophocles tragedy; the opera Agamèmnon (1960) by Josep Soler with Seneca’s texts; and the opera Mourning Becomes Electra (1967) by Marvin David Levi, based on the homonymous play by Eugene Gladstone O’Neil.



Faculty of Medicine

El VIH des d’una perspectiva de gènere. Vivències de dones amb VIH respecte l’atenció sanitària rebuda

Author: Júlia Sebastià Martínez

Degree: Nursing

Abstract: The minor role of women with HIV, both in scientific research and in advertising campaigns, as well as the role of men in HIV as the main patient of the disease and the lack of medical protocols that include both genders —the female and the male— leads us to question the efficacy of the healthcare services provided to these women. In order to interpret the experiences of women with HIV regarding the care provided by health personnel in the hospital field and primary care centres in Barcelona, it is proposed to carry out a qualitative hermeneutical phenomenological study.



Estudi comparatiu de qualitat de vida en persones trans que han rebut o no tractament frenador de la pubertat abans del tractament hormonal creuat

Author: Maria Dolors Gispert Hernández

Degree: Medicine

Abstract: Transgender people currently face many limitations and difficulties that the health sector is trying to reduce. This research aims to analyse whether transgender people who have received puberty blockers before cross-sex hormone treatment have a better quality of life than those who have not undergone this prior treatment.



Faculty of Psychology

Disseny d'una eina d'anàlisi prosocial de protocols per l'atenció en logopèdia d'infants d'entre 0 i 6 anys víctimes de violència masclista

Author: Anna Lagares Bustamante

Degree: Speech Therapy

Abstract: Gender violence is a social and sanitary problem. The speech therapists, like other sanitary professionals, have to meet and apply the protocols of intervention when attending cases, of children witness and gender violence victims. Nevertheless, they do not always have the suitable tools to intervene properly, because they are not professionals that work first line with gender violence but deal with it in an indirect way.



Violencia patriarcal en mujeres y hombres trans: cambios de perspectiva durante y después de la transición

Author: Laura Casado Espinosa

Degree: Psychology

Abstract: Gender, despite being a social, cultural and constructed concept, determines to a large extent the way in which a person will be treated in society. For this reason, the following research has as a main objective to analyse the different perspectives of transgender people regarding gender violence. Given that during a period of their lives they have been socialised with one gender, experiencing the oppressions and privileges associated with it, and have subsequently begun to be read with another gender, thus, changing their experiences. 



Faculty of Translation and Interpreting

Ambigüedad de género: el uso de términos de género marcado en traducciones de manga del japonés al español

Author: Nuria Cimas Pita

Degree: Translation and Interpreting

Abstract: Based on the fact that Japanese and Spanish are languages that use very different resources when it comes to expressing gender, this paper analyses how these differences condition the translation process. In particular, this research studies how non-normative gender identities are affected when translating. As well as the issues that need to be taken into account in order to accurately translate such identities. To this end, a proposal for the translation of three manga chapters is presented. The chosen manga has been Kanojo ni naritai kimi to boku by Takase Umi, unpublished in Spain.



East Asian Studies This degree has been declared void.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Perspectiva de gènere en la professió veterinària

Author: Mireia Carreras Ruiz

Degree: Veterinary Medicine

Abstract: We live in a sexist society, where we still associate “doctor” with men and “nurse” with women, and where we still find it difficult to think that women constitute half the population. However, in veterinary medicine this is no longer the case. Most vets nowadays are women. How have we come to transform a profession completely dominated by men to one where finding a woman it is now the standard? How does being a part of such demanding profession affect our day-to-day lives?



The awards to the best Final Degree Projects with a gender perspective for each area of knowledge and with an economic reward have been delivered to:
Arts and Humanities
Feminismo y LGTB+ en "Sailor Moon": Género e inclusión en un producto cultural japonés             
Author: Marina Albaladejo Pérez
Studies: East Asian Studies
Abstract: This essay offers a gender and inclusion analysis of the work Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon (美少女戦士 セーラームーン) by Takeuchi Naoko. This Japanese cultural product is studied from a feminist perspective, based on the hypothesis that the work was subversive within the world of manga, anime, and of the mahō shōjo genre of shōjo manga, introducing feminist elements, LGBT+ collective characters and a diversity in love and family roles that differs from the hegemonic patterns.
Health Science
Indicadors de sospita en la violència de gènere
Author: Alejandro Coello González
Studies: Medicine
Abstract: Gender-based violence is a type of violence directed at women by the fact of being so. It has been observed that battered women use the health resources more often, and that is why health professionals must play a key role in the early detection of violence. There are findings about physical injuries, behaviors during the interview or ways of using health resources, among many others. However, there are still several limitations to ask about the abuse to the women.
Science, Biosciences and Technologies
La invisibilidad de las mujeres en los ensayos preclínicos: aproximación a los modelos animales
Author: Marta Vera Fernández
Studies: Biotechnology
Abstract: This essay analyses the invisibility that women experience in preclinical trials, which is related to the increase of their adverse reactions to medicines (ADRs). The female animal models used have lower representation due to the assumption that their estrous cycles provide unreliable results in experiments. The increase of the quantity of women who suffer ADRs proofs that the sexism and androcentrism in science can affect our health.
Social Sciences and Law
De la marginalitat a la centralitat política: la construcció del feminisme com a força hegemònica
Author: Andrea Lamich Collado   
Studies: Political Science and Public Administration
Abstract: Feminism is everywhere. In the streets, the 8th of March; in the media and social networks; in the political agenda and society; and also in our daily lives. The new feminist wave is here to stay, as nothing will be the same again. The aim of this essay originates from the interest of knowing how it was possible to break the normalisation of gender inequality, and especially, what happened in the past as many did not get to see it. The category of analysis used is the theorized hegemony by Antonio Gramsci.
In addition, the following projects have also been awarded:
Engineering School
Alerta Feminista
Author: Ferran Sánchez Rodríguez
Studies: Computer Engineering
Abstract: According to the UN, one of every three women will suffer gender violence during her life. This statistic visibilizes both the insecurity and risk that women suffer in our current societies. Taking into account the fact that most of these cases of violence occur in public spaces, this application is intended to be a self-defense tool for women to achieve mutual support in the space where they are most vulnerable: the street.
Faculty of Biosciences
Estudio de la intersexualidad como herramienta para problematizar el sentido biológico de la clasificación dicotómica del sexo
Author: Zoe Garcia Castaño
Studies: Biology
Abstract: The following essay proposes a research project aimed to question the sex category, based on intersexuality as a reality that calls into question the male/female dichotomy. This paper briefly discusses the notion of science as an universal truth. Furthermore, it shows a brief overview of western history's concept of sex and exposes reasonings that defend that sex is a construction.
The very many faces of Chipko: the role of gender in a grassroots environmental activism moviment
Author: Amisha Suraj Bhojwani
Studies: Environmental Biology
Abstract: Chipko is a second wave grassroots environmental activism movement in 1970's Northern India, where the introduction of a western model of development affects the livelihoods of women directly by the mechanisation of agricultural practices and indirectly by the consequences of forest felling. The literature categorises it as a women's movement on many occasions, however, there is a lack of consensus amongst analysts.
Problematització històrica dels conceptes "gènere" i "sexe" en la ciència occidental
Author: Aura Blanch Torras
Studies: Genetics
Abstract: The following research paper makes a historical, social and scientific analysis of the concepts of gender and sex. Using heuristic tools provided by the feminist and historical analysis, the study starts with the first conception of sex (previous to the sexual dichotomy and the conceptual separation of gender) and ends talking about the current dichotomous perception. It also includes different ideological and philosophical movements that led to the scientific redefinition of the concepts and that also made it problematic in several historical moments.
Faculty of Communication Science
Realització d'un curtmetratge: "AURORA"
Author: Miquel Camarasa Sanchis, Sergio Delgado Asensio, Beatriz Fernández Valbuena, Andrea Romera Huerta
Studies: Audiovisual Communication
Abstract: AURORA has a double life: on the one hand, it is a 10 minute short film; on the other hand, it is also a 30 second spot. This TFG has covered all the phases of the production process: from the script writing until the postproduction and preparation of the future distribution plan. It is a story that reports gender violence from a toxic relationship between two elder people. It is done with a surrealist style and has a powerful ending. "AURORA" invites the viewer to reflect on this topic.
Sofia Casanova a través de sus crónicas, corresponsal en cinco guerras del siglo XX (1915-­1944)
Author: Eila Rodríguez Filgueiras
Studies: Journalism
Abstract: This paper examines the writings of Sofia Casanova while she was the first Spanish war correspondent based in Poland and Russia, for the newspaper ABC during both world wars, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Great Patriotic War and the Polish-Soviet War. 129 of her articles and reports written between 1915 and 1944. They are analysed from journalistic, ideological and personal perspectives. In order to gain a greater and deeper understanding of her work, her biography, which is crucial for an understanding of her personality and its impact on her writings, was also researched and analysed.
Faculty of Communication Science
El sexisme del professorat a les aules de primària. El llenguatge, la metodologia i la percepció
Author: Mariona Campmajó i Soldán
Studies: Primary Education
Abstract: Starting with a social context in which the feminist movement is especially present and creates a lot of controversy, my interest to know the role of education arises. Even though there is some progress regarding laws, centre projects and educational plans, the day to day in classrooms has to be very different if society continues to refuse change. What are we doing wrong so that the fact of being a man or a woman doesn’t imply any privileges or convictions?
Genderless? Les competències de gènere dels i les estudiants del Studies d'Educació Primària de la UAB
Author: Mireia Gómez Mayoral   
Studies: Pedagogy
Abstract: Education is one of the bases to change social structures. Therefore, one of the methods to eradicate gender disparity is to incorporate gender perspective in the academic curriculum (Xarxa Vives, 2017) and, especially, to offer training on gender competence to the students of the Bachelor's degree in Primary Education (AQU, 2018) so they can apply it in their professional practice. For all this, this article investigates specifically if the students of the Bachelor's degree in Primary Education of the UAB acquire competences on gender, through the analysis of a follow-up report and interviews to teaching staff and students.
Faculty of Political Science and Sociology
Gender and Religion: Holy Anorexia vs Anorexia Nervosa
Author: Amaya Haddock
Studies: Sociology
Abstract: The aim of this dissertation was to bring to light a different perspective regarding anorexia nervosa creating a framework that examined the disease from a historical and gender point of view. From this perspective, I intended to demonstrate that anorexia is no modern disease, as research shows, its manifestation dates back to the Middle Ages embodied in the figures of what we call "Holy Fasting Saints."
Faculty of Law
La violència sexual en conflictes armats. Programa formatiu en l'àmbit militar espanyol
Author: Geòrgia Carrasquilla Lladó
Studies: Criminology
Abstract: This essay is a study of sexual violence in armed conflicts. The victims are men and women, and their perpetrators varied, although mostly are members of the military systems. Different factors explain this serious and invisibilised phenomenon, the majority come from a patriarchal global ideology, which is even more intense inside the military institution, and rewards masculinity —perceived as strength and power— and punishes femininity —perceived as weakness and submission—. This essay proposes a training program of specific application to the Spanish Armed Forces with the aim of preventing sexual violence. Finally, it also proposes a model of victimisation surveys as a tool to compile data and evaluate the program.
Justicia de género y movimiento social feminista. Un análisis desde la perspectiva de Nancy Fraser
Author: Andrea Lamich Collado      
Studies: Law
Abstract: Based on the theory of justice of Nancy Fraser, this essay examines the proposals and claims of the feminist movement in the Spanish state to check the relation and influence of the conceptual framework made by the author. In addition, it includes a reflection on the discussion of prostitution through the lens developed by the American professor. In a moment when the social feminist movement wants a deep transformation of the social reality, the analytical frame and the theorized categories by Fraser allow us to clarify the questions that should be present in the approach and overcoming of gender injustice.
La nueva protección por nacimiento de hijo en el marco del principio de igualdad
Author: Noelia Albarrán Villegas
Studies: Labour Relations
Abstract: In the job market, women come across discrimination that is based, fundamentally, in their biological condition for maternity. For this reason, the Royal Decree Law 6/2019, of 1 March, of urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment, incorporates different measures, among which it is highlighted the equal birth leaves with the aim of promoting equal treatment and opportunities in the job market.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Mujeres, inmigrantes y prostitutas: hacia la integración y el empoderamiento
Author: Clara Guzmán Vilaboy
Studies: Social and Cultural Anthropology
Abstract: In a context in which gender, immigration and prostitution are united to create a scheme of social exclusion, a way of social integration and empowerment is studied. Based on eight months of participant observation with immigrant women involved with prostitution and in exclusion, we will approach their reality as well as the social help and training they can access. The observed issues will be analysed along with other studies about feminine immigration and prostitution, particularly in El Raval (Barcelona). 
Learned Helplessness: Influence of Patriarchal Violence in Edna O’Brien’s The Country Girls Trilogy
Author: Cristina Montes Venegas
Studies: English Studies
Abstract: The Country Girls Trilogy (1986) narrates Caithleen's tragic life story and its consequences. I argue that the violence caused in Caithleen's childhood conditions her adulthood. Parting from Caithleen's parental abuse and her mother's death, I explore their influence in Caithleen alongside the policies, economy and religiosity of Ireland. I defend that Caithleen's emotional development gets interrupted due to the abuse and shapes her attachment and romantic escapism. I also examine how her mother's death consolidates her attachment and romantic delusion.
Lustful Women: Sex in Ancient Rome
Author: Belén Martínez Martos
Studies: English and Classical Studies
Abstract: This final project analyzes the differences between the sexes within the sexual sphere. It focuses on women's passive role and studies the ways in which they defied it. It talks about the most notorious women who challenged the norm and studies the ways in which they were represented by their male peers. It discusses Roman prostitutes, since there is much information about their role in sexual activities. It focuses specially on Pompeii's prostitutes, because many sexual graffiti have been found within the city. It argues that they could have been written by female prostitutes as a way of asserting themselves.
El dolor y el sexo más abyectos: Tratamiento de la violencia en Nefando (2016) de Mónica Ojeda
Author: Marta Mendoza Navarro
Studies: English and Spanish Studies
Abstract: This essay intends to analyse the treatment of violence in the novel Nefando (2016) by Mónica Ojeda. The story is about the publication of a videogame by the Terán brothers. In this videogame, there are some tapes of the rapes they suffered when they were younger, committed their father. It is narrated from the point of view of six characters: the Terán brothers (Irene, Emilio and Cecilia) and their flatmates (Kiki, Iván and El Cuco). All of them experience certain traumas, many of them associated with childhood, which have an influence on them and are related to sex (source of pleasure and pain).
El mestre de casa: la representació d'una nova masculinitat
Author: Emma Sánchez Santos
Studies: Catalan and Spanish Studies
Abstract: The new masculinities are the necessary answer to a political-economic context in crisis as a guarantee of a sociocultural alternative. When questioning the established gender binary, opposed until now, the minoritary or publicly minorized groups add to the demand. This essay is specifically focused on one of the new masculinities: the househusband, in different ways of representation: literary, audiovisual and journalistic.
El sexo del cerebro en disputa: críticas al neurosexismo bajo una perspectiva neurofeminista
Author: Desirée Serrano Buiza
Studies: Philosophy
Abstract: This dissertation is meant to set out one of the central discussions on current neuroscience: if brain has sex. Based on the solid argument that a great part of data and scientific studies given about sexual dimorphism of the brain are biased at the same time that they are strongly rooted to the common imaginary, I will show how this “bad science”, named neurosexism, supports and nourishes the status quo of one of the main social inequalities: the patriarchy.
La investigación con perspectiva de género y turismo en España. Análisis bibliométrico de la revista Cuadernos de Turismo y Annals of Tourism Research
Author: Daniel Gallego Martínez
Studies: Geography and Spatial Planning
Abstract: This article reviews the literature in "Cuadernos de Turismo" magazine on the gender perspective in tourism in Spain and compares it with the literature published in Annals of Tourism Research magazine which is international. Based on this review, the hypothesis is that studies on tourism and gender in Spain are in an initial phase of academic production.
La construcción de la imagen femenina en la literatura de la Cruzada
Author: Angela Corredoira López
Studies: History
Abstract: The historiographic tradition about the Civil War tended to relegate the role of women to political passivity. This essay intends to show women as active subjects. It has so much importance that the Nuevo Estado established as one of its priorities the activation of a great mechanism with the aim of redefining femininity and relegate it to the domestic area again.
Análisis de la pornografía: la mujer como objeto de estudio
Author: Jara Burillo Gil
Studies: Art History
Abstract: In the first theory part we address concepts like gender, male sexual desire and hegemonic masculinity to study the tensions and changes that pornography produces nowadays. In the practical part, we use the cinematographic language as support, we will apply the knowledge to specific cases through the analysis of several clips of the pornographic website Pornhub, with the aim of studying which are the implied consequences for women.
Las imágenes de mujer en la poesía de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda
Author: Judith Arias Negredo
Studies: Spanish Language and Literature
Abstract: Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda broke, categorically, the feminine moulds of her period, and this is represented in her literary work. Specifically, in her poetry, she traces a series of images of women who put into service a clear claim of gender, she assures herself through them and also puts herself at the same level of men.
Imagen y concepción de los personajes femeninos presentes en las obras: "Histoire du Chevalier Des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut" de L'Abbé Prevost y "Les liaisons dangereuses" de Choderlos de Laclos
Author: Julia Revuelta Recalde
Studies: French and Spanish Studies
Abstract: The 18th century, century of the literary and cultural splendour, is one of the richest culturally of the French history. Indeed, the two studied works belong to this context, and show two representative women of the century. Even though the main characters are two women, the authors are men, which allows us to see the point of view of a society that has clearly been marked by gender differences.
Zelda Sayre, la flapper olvidada
Author: Esther Corral Gómez
Studies: Humanities
Abstract: Zelda Sayre was a writer, painter and dancer who lived in the twenties. This artist was caricatured and denigrated by her husband, Scott Fitzgerald and other authors and biographers in their literary and biographical works, so it has ended up assimilating Zelda to some stereotypes, ignoring her artistic achievements.
Faculty of Medicine
Adolescents transgènere: del desconeixement de les cures a la seva millora des d'una perspectiva familiar
Author: Anna Sánchez Quiles
Studies: Nursing
Abstract: Transgender adolescents and their families face many specific health problems. In addition, the reaction of the parents to the transformation process influences the mental health of both. There is a lack of knowledge from the health professionals of how to act with these problems and an increase in the demand for their health care.
Faculty of Psychology
Una anàlisi narrativa de les desigualtats de gènere en la postguerra
Author: Sira Planas Rodríguez
Studies: Psychology
Abstract: The present work aims to know and analyse the gender inequality during the Spanish post-war period through the study of personal experiences from women, focusing on the way they lived, their concerns, their conception about love, their empowerment and finally, the way they regard violence against women. The method employed in order to reach this goal has been the narrative technique, a qualitative analysis which allows the analysis of the personal experiences from the women interviewed.
Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
Traducción comentada de "Elle et mon genre" de Alberto García Sánchez
Author: Maria Garcia Granell
Studies: Translation and Interpreting
Abstract: This essay is focused on the annotated translation from French into Spanish of "Elle et mon genre", by Alberto García Sánchez. "Elle et mon genre" is a play that is included in the genre of storytelling. The author explains through a series of short stories his point of view on the situation of women in the western society.

The prizes to the best TFGs with gender perspective by area of knowledge with a monetary award have been given to:
Sciences, Biosciences and Technological Sciences (this area has been declared void)

Health Sciences
Vivències de les dones víctimes de violència masclista sobre l’atenció sanitària rebuda
Author: Ariadna Tigri Santiña
Degree: Nursing
Summary: This project has the goal of proposing a qualitative study describing the experiences of women who have been victims of male chauvinist violence regarding the healthcare attention received at Barcelona's Primary Care Centres, adopting a more human vision of the treatments and with more gender perspective.

Social Sciences and Law
El delito de stalking desde una perspectiva de género. Análisis de la respuesta judicial-penal
Author: Nabila Elisabeth Zbairi Pardillo
Degree: Law
Summary: This project investigates which are the features encased by the phenomenon of stalking from a conceptual point of view, and offers a brief perspective on the typification of these illegitimate behaviours in our juridical regulations, in comparison to what is happening internationally and in Europe. The goal is to offer an exhaustive analysis of the Spanish courts' jurisprudence and get to know their characteristics quantitatively and qualitatively.
Arts and Humanities
El cuerpo como catalizador. Sobre prácticas performativas e identidades durante el tardofranquismo y la Transición española
Author: Núria Martín
Degree: Art History
Summary: Starting from the body as an experience, this project deals with the innumerable problems implied by the recognition of body identity throughout the tumultuous decade of the 70s in Spain, immersed in the final moments of the Francoist dictatorship.

In addition, the following final projects have also received a prize:
Faculty of Communication Studies
On són les dones negres? Feminisme africà i la representació de les dones africanes a la premsa catalana
Author: Beatrice Duodu
Degree: Journalism
Summary: A depiction of the historical role of African feminism and the important work it currently carries out allows to compare it with the representation of African women in the Catalan press. This way, we can see if the relation is appropriate or is distorted by factors related to history, stereotypes or the newspapers' own structure.
Ver, oír y opinar. Valoración de la publicidad sexista por parte de los adolescentes
Author: Natalia Ceballos Muñoz
Degree: Advertising and Public Relations
Summary: In a scenario where women still are a community affected by gender inequality in the advertising field and where advertising has a direct influence as a socialisation agent, it becomes interesting to study up to which point teenagers, as an audience sensible to media, perceive advertising sexism and how this affects their way of accepting or rejecting this kind of behaviours.
Aplicación de la tecnología móvil como soporte en casos de violencia de género. GEA: la app orientativa para víctimas en un ciclo de maltrato
Author: Alba Serra Nicolás
Degree: Audiovisual Communication
Summary: Gender violence is very difficult to identify, even for the victim. GEA is a mobile application addressed to gender violence victims who are inside the mistreatment cycle. The goal of the app is to educate the victims during the process to help them to gradually understand what is happening and give them strength to face mistreatment. 
Faculty of Education
Dret a l’educació menstrual de qualitat. Abordant l’educació menstrual des de l’educació social
Author: Agnès Font Ribas
Degree: Social Education
Summary: The menstrual taboo results in an inequality situation for the people who menstruate, given that different agents have power when considering women's bodies and menstruation, turning them into alienated bodies, passive and consumption objects. This research includes improvement proposals in the institutional and academic/professional fields to contribute towards a quality menstrual education.
Les noies on eSTEM?
Author: Laura Serra Justes
Degree: Primary Education
Summary: This project has the goal of understanding the problem of why girls have so few aspirations to study or have a professional career in sciences, maths, engineering and technology.
El lideratge exercit per les investigadores que dirigeixen grups SGR de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Estudi de casos múltiples
Author: Txell Zolle-Valero Setó
Degree: Education Studies
Summary: This is a multiple case study. Interviews and document analysis (CVs) of 5 female postdoctoral researchers at the UAB to get to know their professional career, their perception regarding gender discrimination and family and work balance. It is the beginning of a research with future perspectives.
Faculty of Law
Sexual agression in leisure contexts. Which factors might support sexual aggression?
Author: Laura Zurera Benito
Degree: Criminology
Summary: Sexual assaults have been a rather recurring subject in investigations over the last years. This project tries to give visibility to the fact that sexual assaults in leisure contexts are not alien to our territory. The goal of this project is to see which factors may end up contributing to these behaviours, which may lead to a sexual assault.
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Estimació d’una funció salarial explorant-hi la discriminació per qüestions de gènere
Author: David Casals Aixalà
Degree: Economics
Summary: Work is the main activity in our days, the reason which makes us get up day after day and allows us to survive. However, our effort is rewarded at the end of the month thanks to a salary, but... is it always appropriate according to the work done, or do other factors intervene in the final obtained retribution? In this project, we will estimate a salary function of a specific population sample while checking if there is any kind of gender-based discrimination.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Closure as Revelation: Reflecting upon Lady Audley's Guilt in Mary E. Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret
Author: Laura Bellosta Baeza
Degree: English and French Studies
Summary: Mary Braddon's "Lady Audley's Secret" (1862) was an immediate success and a source of controversy in Victorian society, because it defied gender roles and social standards via a female character who is morally ambiguous and groundbreaking. This project proves that the unexpected and apparently happy ending serves to question the main character's guilt, who is forced to carry out extreme actions in order to survive in the society of the era.
LIMBO: Un apropament al món trans a través de la música i les arts escèniques
Author: Naiara Burgos Martín
Degree: Musicology
Summary: This project aims to carry out a musicological approach to the trans issue through the music presented in "Limbo" by Les Impuxibles. This way, it is possible to observe how music, dance and drama are used to create a speech on gender subjects that will accompany the communities.
Els marges de la feminitat. Reflexions des de l'Esdevenir Perra d'Itziar Ziga
Author: Berta Cervantes Nogales
Degree: Humanities
Summary: From the case study of Associació Santa Maria Magdalena, which works with women who worked as prostitutes and express their wish to stop, it is possible to identify a series of experiences and practices which help understand the relation between patriarchy and Christianism, a romantic relantionship with dependencies that can be observed at first glance.
Olympe de Gouges: el naixement del feminisme polític
Author: Yamina Chouari Morandeira
Degree: History
Summary: The project studies the origin of political feminism through the character of Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793). The first feminism, in the same way as the political one, was born from the postulates of Enlightenment thought and its paradoxes. To understand how the patriarchal system was rebuilt according to natural grounds from Enlightenment thought is to understand the origins of feminism and patriarchy.
«Com defensar-se del misteri sublim que se’ls enduia» La construcció del desig en els contes de Rosa Leveroni
Author: Alba Compte Rosich
Degree: Catalan Language and Literature
Summary: The project studies the stories which make up Rosa Leveroni's "Contes". The work draws the condition of the woman and her relationship with desire. Stories by women, alone or accompanied, which carry a reflection on own limits, on the inevitable loss of innocence, on sadness, on risks and on the living models available to them.
¿Tiene jaula la libertad? La belle saison: estudios de género y sexualidad
Author: Iris Cort Compañó
Degree: Catalan and Spanish Studies
Summary: Are we as free as we think? Has society advanced enough to get rid of social stereotypes? This project analyses the film "La belle saison" to make us aware of to what extent established social models influence our own identity.
Revisiones de la maternidad en la literatura hispanófona actual: Meruane, Miguel, Reyes
Author: Lorena Fernández Espinosa
Degree: English and Spanish Studies
Summary: Analysis of the different revisions of maternity taking three works as a reference: Lina Maruane's "Contra los hijos", Luna Miguel's "El arrecife de las sirenas" and Míriam Reyes's "Espejo negro". Silence as an oppression weapon, the female body in society and the social pression to which women are subject are discussed.
Epigrames homoeròtics en el Llibre XII de l'Antologia Palatina
Author: Ivan Monmany Mendaña
Degree: Classical Studies
Summary: This project focuses on the study of Book 12 of the "Palatine Anthology". A compilation of epigrams from various eras and authors. The main theme of Book 12 revolves around the conception of love between men, specifically, between an adult man (ἐραστής) and a young man (ἐρώμενος). This way, the research is based on the importance of the ἐραστής-ἐρώμενος duality, an institutionalised relationship in Ancient Greece with a strong civic component.
Mujeres que luchan en la arena
Author: Lucía Ponce Cerezo
Degree: Archaeology
Summary: When we think about the ancient shows in Rome we came up with fighting gladiators, strong men who fought to entertaint the public. However, were there only men among the people battling at the amphitheatres' arenas? There is little talk on the participation of female gladiators. From classical authors we can get an idea about these women but it is not enough information to establish that they really existed. By analysing a series of found remains, such as inscriptions, reliefs or dowries found in many tombs, it is possible to confirm the existence of these women.
Sociabilidad y performatividad de la homosexualidad masculina. Una mirada a las pautas de sociabilidad de los hombres homosexuales del Casal Lambda de Barcelona
Author: Arnau Poy Renau
Degree: Social and Cultural Anthropology
Summary: This project, created between 2015 and 2017, has the goal of presenting the results of an investigation which, from an ethnographic observation and the analysis of narratives and experiences, studies the reasons to be and the meaning of the sociability patterns of the gay men who attend Casal Lambda in Barcelona.
El Parc de Cerdanyola de Mataró. Un estudi qualitatiu i de gènere
Author: Adrià Valls Triadó
Degree: Geography and Spatial Planning
Summary: This project shows the importance of feminist urbanism to include people's experience diversity and consider that these experiences and needs are essential for any urban process or project.
Faculty of Medicine
Sex-related differences in the clinical diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia
Author: Vicent Llorca Bofí
Degree: Medicine
Summary: The goal of this project is to research sex-related difference in the clinical diagnostic of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) at Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona.
Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology
Gender identities and affective-sexual diversities: a look in Northern Ireland, Belfast
Author: Marta Cascales Tortajada
Degree: Sociology
Summary: This project takes as a starting point the Conflict in Ireland (specifically in Belfast, Northern Ireland), in which there was a political and national identity fight, which became strongly regulated by gender. This way, an extremely traditional "being a man" and "being a woman" normativity was established. The study has the goal of discovering what is currently happening with all those gender identities and sexual-affective diversities which are not part of the standard framework of cisheteropatriarchy.
Faculty of Psychology
L’abordatge de la Violència de Gènere en revistes científiques: Estudi de cas de la producció científica a Brasil i Espanya
Author: Clara Hidalgo Castro
Degree: Psychology
Summary: The goal of this project is to explore the differences between Brazil's and Spain's scientific production regarding gender violence.
Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
The situation of transgender people in Japan
Author: Julia Martinez Nieto
Degree: East Asian Studies
Summary: This project describes the situation of transgender people in Japan through the analysis of the current legislation and government guidelines and how they affect transgender people, both negatively and positively.
Intelectuales y feminismo en la República Popular de China: Traducción y comentarios a partir del artículo de Zhong Xueping: Reflexiones más allá del movimiento de liberación de las mujeres
Author: Lucas Román Romero
Degree: Translation and Interpreting
Summary: This project studies the translation of an academic article from Mandarin Chinese to Spanish. In this text, Zhong Xueping deals with the situation of Chinese intellectuals and their relationship with feminism since the May Fourth Movement in 1919, which caused their gender equality ideals to dilute in public debates since the economic reform started in 1978.

At the ceremony, the following TFGs were awarded a prize:
Faculty of Communication Studies
Title: Representación y tratamiento del deporte femenino en informativos de televisión
Author: Albert Roche Ortiz
Degree: Journalism
Summary: The present work analyses the presence and the informative treatment of female sport at the news programmes of the main Spanish TV channels.

Title: Princeses i bruixes: Les heroïnes de Miyazaki. Anàlisi de la representació femenina en la filmografia de Hayao Miyazaki
Author: Anna Junyent Barbany
Degree: Audiovisual Communication
Summary: This research studies female representation in the films of Hayao Miyazaki. It tries to know the reason behind the creation of character prototype totally divergent with what is established in Japanese animation.

Title: Redes sociales y marcas deportivas: ¿en fuera de género?
Author: Sandra López Salas
Degree: Advertising and Public Relations
Summary: The main objective of this work is to determine the existence or non-existence of gender stereotypes of sports brands in this channel based on the way the published contents are treated.

Faculty of Education
Title: (DES)FENT: El foment del canvi d'actituds i conductes masclistes o fruit del masclisme mitjançant el grup educatiu
Author: Carolina Pérez Rodríguez
Degree: Education Studies
Summary: The TFG is included in the subject of encouraging the change of male chauvinist or male chauvisism-based attitudes and behaviours via the educational group, focused in the hegemonic model of romantic love, because of the consequences this conception has in power relations between men and women and possible cases of gender violence.

Title: Joc simbòlic i rols de gènere
Author: Maria Juez Pachón
Degree: Childhood Education
Summary: The work collects the observations and later analyses of situations of symbolic game in a group of children between 4 and 5 years old. 

Faculty of Law
Title: Conducción infractora en población universitaria. ¿Una cuestión de género?
Author: Ana Páez Mérida
Degree: Criminology
Summary: The present work tries to provide criminological knowledge on the existing relation between driving offender behaviours and the difference between young boys and girls.

Title: Els efectes en l’àmbit civil del matrimoni i de la convivència estable en parella des d’una perspectiva de gènere
Author: Elena Albouy Bardina
Degree: Law
Summary: The work contains the study of seven effects deduced from the constitution of a marriage or the start of cohabitation as a stable couple.

Title: Mujeres y el mercado laboral español. Segunda generación de origen marroquí
Author: Chaimae Oulad Bouaarfa El Gribes
Degree: Industrial Relations
Summary: The work studies young people from the second or fist and a half –Moroccan origin– generations and their presence in the Spanish labour market.

Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
Title: Women on corporate boards and firm performance: evidence from Spain
Author: Mireia Segura Sánchez
Degree: Bussiness Management and Administration
Summary: The goal of this study is to examine the impact of female members in meetings on the performance of companies, focusing in the Spanish companies.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Title: Subalternidades en colapso. El "ángel del hogar" en dos cuentos de Jacinto Octavio Picón
Author: Alba Rocío Sánchez Bonet
Degree: Spanish Language and Literature
Resum: This work theorises on the identity of the woman, differentiating between two ways of addressing gender, which coexist and even complement each other in a literary textual analysis, shown in the short stories "Doña Georgia" and "Desencanto" by Jacinto Octavio Picón.

Title: Desire in Times of Apartheid. A Trigger for rebellion. The case for The World Unseen
Author: Helena Ruta Serra
Degree: English Studies
Summary: The aim of this work is to argue for desire as a driver for rebellion in the novel "Desire in Times of Apartheid".
Title: Mujeres Libres: eina d'emancipació femenina. Reflexió historiogràfica i estat de la qüestió
Author: Bernat Aranyó Giné
Degree: History
Summary: Mujeres Libres was a feminine anarchist association, linked to the CNT during the 1936-1939 period. In the present work, I analyse the treatment by historiography and how much it has been silenced over time, even by the anarchist movement itself.

Title: Las construcciones de género en la música. Un acercamiento a Belladona y Matraka
Author: Itxasne Zabalza Chivite
Degree: Musicology
Summary: This work analyses the influences could have had the vindications by the feminist movement in Nafarroa, during the 80s and the 90s, in the area of music, in the new creations of feminist music bands and in the staging of women.
Title: Sentmenat 1936. Industrialització, estructura social, gènere i comportament electoral
Author: Teresa Vallbé Ansesa
Degree: Humanities
Summary: The objective is to study to which extent municipal social and demographical structure had an impact on the electoral behaviour in the year 1936.
Title: La intersexualidad: un reto hacia la filosofía
Author: Sara García Companys
Degree: Philosophy
Summary: This work studies how belonging to an intersex involves the localisation of an abnormality and, consequently, the displacement of the intersex person out of speech.
Title: El rol femení en les societats antigues: història comparativa entre la dona romana i la dona víking
Author: Clàudia Tenas Viñals
Degree: English and Classical Studies
Summary: This work compares the roles and participation of women in the Roman and Viking societies.
Faculty of Medicine
Title: Anticoncepción y perspectiva de género: encuesta a los estudiantes de Medicina
Author: Sara López García
Degree: Medicine
Summary: This work analyses from the historical, economical, environmental, gender and specially medical and biological perspective the dilemma of hormonal contraception, specifically in the Spanish context.
Title: L'afectació psicoemocional de la píndola anticonceptiva: una mirada amb perspectiva de gènere
Author: Maider Quilez Mendez
Degree: Nursing
Summary: This work presents the problems supposed by the contraceptive pill in a psychoemotional level.
Faculty of Psychology
Title: Los asesinatos de mujeres en España. Controversias en torno al recuento y la definición del feminicidio
Author: Sandra Viu Fandos
Degree: Psychology
Summary: There is controversy around the figures provided by several platforms on the amount of feminicides in Spain in 2014, so this work tries to clarify this concept and identify which are the reasons behind this controversy.
Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
Title: Traducció comentada de "Luna", de Julie Anne Peters, i comentari sobre la traducció de literatura de temàtica LGTBI
Author: Arantxa Fernàndez Cruz
Degree: Translation and Interpreting
Summary: This work is a commented translation of the first four chapters of the book "Luna" by Julie Anne Peters, which explains the story of a transgender girl who still has not come out of the closet. "Luna" is narrated from the point of view of her little sister, who despite not fully understanding her sister’s situations, tries to help her at any rate.
Title: Representació de rols de gènere en els llibres de text de japonès per a estrangers
Author: Judit Moyano Anglès
Degree: East Asian Studies
Summary: This work analyses with a gender and class perspective the textbooks to learn Japanese which have been used in the East Asian Studies degree with the goal to detect gender role representations in it.

At the ceremony, the following TFGs were awarded a prize:

Faculty of Communication Studies

Title: Periodisme esportiu a la televisió. Evolució i presència de les dones periodistes.
Author: Giménez, Nerea
Tutor: Maria José Recoder
Summary: Work on the presence, evolution and current situation of journalists who dedicate to the world of sport in television.

Title: Obsesión 90-60-90: Relación entre la publicidad y la percepción de la imagen corporal en los adolescentes.
Author: Serra, Clàudia
Tutor: Elena Añaños
Summary: Work on media impact and influence on teenagers’ own body perception, especially regarding the model of female beauty.

Title: Estereotipos de género en los informativos de televisión: ¿existen unos patrones fijos en los profesionales que los presentan?
Author: Teruel, Ana
Tutor: Elena Añaños
Summary: Work centred on the figure of the professionals presenting news programmes and the gender stereotypes carried by their image.

Faculty of Law
Title: Reconocimiento, en España, de la filiación derivada de gestación por sustitución.
Author: Acute, Cyrielle
Tutor: Rafael Arenas
Summary: Work on the difficult legal recognition of surrogacy, which could be permitted in Spain, specifically the cases of foreign filiation resolution.

Title: Violència en l'àmbit de la sexualitat i la reproducció contra les dones amb diversitat funcional. Un estudi de cas.
Author: Babot, Clara
Tutor: Paula Arce Becerra
Summary: Work that analyses the violence received by women with functional diversity in relation to their sexuality and reproduction via a case study.

Title: Segunda Repúplica: Relaciones Laborales y género
Author: Giménez, Estela
Tutor: Maria Jesús Espuny
Summary: Work on the legislation of the Second Republic regarding labour relations and gender equality, especially on motherhood.

Faculty of Education
Title: Les representacions socials de gènere de l'educador i l'educadora social. Un estudi de cas.
Author: Villagrasa, Marta
Tutor: Georgeta Ion
Summary: Work analysing the social representations of the gender of the educators in an esplai and their educational practice with a gender perspective.

Title: Les identitats trans en la comunitat educativa.
Author: Cabanes, Sara
Tutor: Mar Morón Velasco
Summary: Research work on child transsexuality and its treatment in education centres. The author proposes an education action protocol towards sexual, affective and gender identity diversity.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Title: El estudio del parentesco a partir de análisis isotópicos y genéticos: El Caso LBK
Author: Viñas, Laura C.
Tutor: Cristina Rihuete

Title: Dona i guerra a l'antiga Grècia. De les troianes d'Eurípides a les amazones d'Heròdot
Author: Cívico, Anna Mª
Tutor: Jordi Cortadella Morral
Summary: Analysis of the society in ancient Greece regarding the concepts of gender and war based on the works of Euripides and Herodotus.

Title: Vaginas y bio-política. El tabú menstrual y otros negocios del estado.
Author: Pinzón, Diana
Tutor: Joan Carles Cirera
Summary: Analysis of the relationship between negation and control of female pleasure and women’s bodies and the economic model of neoliberalism.

Title: Qui (s')ocupa? Repensant el gènere en la lluita pel dret a l'habitatge a Barcelona.
Author: Gomà, Aina
Tutor: Mª Antònia Casellas Puigdemasa
Summary: Analysis of the Obra Social de la PAH’s block in Bordeta taking into account the main role of women in the fight for the right to housing.

Title: Metadones. Teatre de sensibilitat femenina?
Author: Boadella, Irene
Tutor: Francesc Foguet Boureu
Summary: Analysis of the creation, career and impact of female theatre company “Metadones” and their two plays.

Title: Mulieres plussciae et nocturnae. Las magas en la novela latina.
Author: Benavides, Judit
Tutor: Cándida Ferrero Hernández
Summary: Analysis of the figure of magician women in two Latin novels: Petronius’s “Satyricon” and Apuleius’s “The Golden Ass”.

Title: Heroïnes i guerreres. La iconografia de la dona a través dels manuscrits francesos de Christine de Pizan "La cité des dames" i el "De mulieribus claris" de Boccaccio.
Author: Giol, Laura
Tutor: Rafael Cornudella
Summary: Analysis of the representation of women in artistic productions in the Middle Ages through the iconographic study of the miniatures in the manuscripts "Cité des dames", "L’epitre Othea" and "De mulieribus claris".

Title: Dos estrategias feministas: María Lejárraga y Virginia Woolf.
Author: Llopis, Ester
Tutor: Anna Gil Bardají
Summary: Work on the different ways of addressing María Lejárraga and Virginia Woolf’s feminism as a reference of the movement in the early 20th century.

Title: El discurso lingüístico de la mujer en la publicidad televisiva española.
Author: Martínez, Anna
Tutor: Carme de-la-Mota
Summary: Analysis of the language and language resources used by women in television advertising in Spain since the 80s and how language contributes to perpetuate gender stereotypes.

Title: Adolescent Girls and the Alternative Self: Exploring Liminality and the Father in Carson McCullers
Author: Pascual, Catalina
Tutor: Andrew Monnickendam
Summary: Analysis of two novels by Carson McCuller and the relation between the lone aging of their protagonists and the difficult relationship with the father.

Title: Speaking the unspeakable: Subversive Eroticism in Kate Chopin's "The Awakening" and Edith Wharton's "Summer".
Author: Martínez, Alejandra
Tutor: Laura Gimeno Pahissa
Summary: Work centred on the analysis of the use of erotism as a subversive means in two novels where heroines are erotisized in a way so they transgress social norms and empower themselves through sexual agency.

Title: De Lolita a femme fatale: cuerpo y deseo
Author: Tomás, Laura
Tutor: Begonya Sáez Tajafuerce
Summary: Work centred on the archetypes of female fatality in art and literature, especially nympthet and femme fatale, and analysis of these archetypes in Nabokov’s Lolita.

Title: Anàlisi de les diferències de gènere en els comportaments d'homes i dones joves en converses mixtes.
Author: Turull, Felip
Tutor: Joan Argenter Giralt
Summary: Work analysing three informal conversations between young men and women to identify stereotypical behaviours according to gender.

Faculty of Translation and Interpreting

Title: Anàlisi de roles de género, emoción y expresividad a través del manga.
Author: Garcia, Daniel
Tutor: Amelia Sáiz López
Summary: Analysis of gender issues in Japanese society through the cultural expression of manga, especially emotions and values associated with gender.

Title: Lesbianes, feministes i queers a Palestina i el Líban. Traducció d'un recull de textos feministes (àrab-català)
Author: Lirón, Anna
Tutor: Anna Gil Bardají
Summary: Translation of five articles from Arabic to Catalan which appeared between 2007 and 2015 in Palestine and Lebanon and which address the issues of queer, feminism and lesbianism.