• UABDivulga

The bleach, or chlorine, is necessary to disinfect the water but in too high a dose it could poison us. Because of this, it is important that the tools used in the detection of chlorine in water are most reliable. Researchers from the Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica have developed a chip which allows the continuous monitoring of...

Chip sensor

The simple consumption of a product is part of an ecological footprint that we left in the planet. Our habits produce an impact and thanks to this indicator of sustainability we can measure it. A group of investigators of the UAB have created a methodology that allows to calculate the environmental impact of a specific activity: the...

La petjada ecològica dels nostres desplaçaments per Barcelona

The oral antibiotics are administered systematically before a colon surgery. But, is it really necessary this medication? Investigators of the Hospital Vall d'Hebron and UAB think that it is not. This categorical negative reflects the results of a study in which participated 300 people in this situation.

Colon i recte

The Catalonian donkey is one of the most endangered donkey breeds in the world. In this study, the investigators J.P. Gutierrez, J. Marmi, F. Goyache i J. Jordana analysed the pedigree information of the Catalonian donkey herdbook to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of the breed. They found that the Catalonian donkey has...

Ase català

Alcoholism and the hepatic alcoholic illness are heterogeneous clinical entity. We still don't known why people become alcoholic. We also don't known why only a part of them develop the hepatic alcoholic illness. Since the environmental factors do not explain everything, the research efforts are studying the genetic determinants of people. This...

Mapa relacional geografia-gens

In according with our temperament we run the risk of being an addict. Investigators of the Institute of Neurosciences suggest that people who search constantly new sensations are potentially addicts. This conclusion is the fruit of a study produced with morphine and snooper rats.

Un estudi relaciona l'addicció i la tendència perseverant a explorar

Sometimes and without a clock we are capable to tell what time it is or to wake up an hour in particular. Scientists suspect that this skill is mechanized in some place of our body. Investigators of the Service of Neurology have stimulated and inhibited parts of the brain supposedly implied. The results discard the role of the prefrontal lobe...

Un marcapassos incrustat al cervell