




Publications & Reports

Results from 5 to 8 of 94

Communication Studies

La palabra facticia. Literatura, periodismo y comunicación

Author: Albert Chillon is professor at the UAB and director of the master's degree in Communication, Journalism and Humanities. His main research is based, on one hand, on the study of media communication from an anthropological and philosophical perspective, and on the other, on the comparative study of the relationship between literary culture and media culture, journalism included. He is author of several books, including Literatura y periodismo. Una tradición de relaciones promiscuas(1999) and La literatura de fets (1993), as well as the fictional novel El horizonte ayer (2009).

Summary: In a place where literature, journalism and audiovisual communication meet, one can find several and very diverse ways of expression that form part of the contemporary factitious word, whose mimetic vocation seeks to explain current realities via testimonies or documentaries. Fifteen years after the publication of Literatura y periodismo. Una tradición de relaciones promiscuas, the volume has grown to become what the reader now has in their hands: not merely a second edition, but an authentic version, significantly expanded and updated. The reader will find much of the old in the new book, and discover both the inherited traditions and latest trends. But the novelty of this version lies in an initial theoretical section that far exceeds the original.

Publisher: Col·lecció Aldea Global (UAB, UJI, UPF, UV) Year of issue: 2014

Languages and Literature

Contacto de poblaciones y extranjería en el mundo griego antiguo. Estudio de fuentes

Author: Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez, coordinator of this study, is Professor Emeritus of Greek at the UAB and has directed several projects on contacts and interaction between populations in the ancient Greek world. Marta Oller Guzmán, editor of the volume, is a lecturer at the UAB and has been part of these projects, focusing on worship and religious aspects of the population.
Also contributing to the study were the following researchers: Miquel Gardeñes Santiago, UT Professor of International Law at the UAB; Anna Ginestí Rosell, Professor of the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany; Crístian Oró Martínez, Researcher at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, and Adrià Piñol Villanueva, FPU Research Fellow at the UAB.

Summary: The volume Contacto de poblaciones y extranjería en el mundo griego antiguo. Estudio de fuentes. Faventia Supplementa 2 contains sixteen contributions which analyze and discuss a range of both literary and epigraphic sources providing a diachronic view of the problems related to the condition of foreigners and the different responses they were given over time, from the Mycenaean world until the late classical period. This monograph represents the consolidation of a methodology based on rigorous linguistic analysis and the historical and institutional context of the texts studied.
The book is available online.

Publisher: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB Year of issue: 2013


Arpender, recordar y olvidar

Author: Ignacio Morgado earned his PhD in Psychobiology at the UAB and is professor of Psychobiology at the Institute of Neuroscience of the same university. He has conducted studies and research at the universities of Ruhr (Germany) and Oxford (UK) and spent a sabbatical stay at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH). He has received several academic and popular science awards.

Summary: What happens inside our brain when we learn? Which types of memory do we have and what are they for? What and how do we remember? Can we erase unwanted memories? Is sleep important for learning? How can we promote learning and memory? When is the best time to learn? How can we reduce mental decline in old age?
While it is true that everyone learns at their own pace, the fact remains that when we do it in the right way, differences between people are greatly reduced. Adapting to the way the brain works in general and in each person in particular is essential to improving memory and one's intelligence.
This is a book for all those interested in how the brain manages to learn, store and retain knowledge. To understand how to strengthen, weaken or change our memory, how we remember things and why we forget. In short, a study of the reasons and scientific clues that establish best practices for teaching and learning effectively.

Publisher: Ariel Year of issue: 2014


Devots i descreguts. Biologia de la religiositat

Author: Adolf Tobeña earned his PhD in Medicine and degree in Psychiatry at the UAB. He is currently professor of Medical Psychology and director of the Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine at the same university. He has directed discussion programmes on radio and television and written in general press and journals. He has received awards for his journalism and popularisation of science, including the Critics Award "Serra d’Or" of Research (Science) for this book.

Summary: This book examines the biological basis of religious belief and, more specifically, is a foray into the neurobiology of religion, of anti-religious convictions and of the skepticism of such a delicate affair. In this incursion, we will review progress in anatomical, molecular and cognitive research studies on the tendencies of trascendental beliefs and inclinations to not believe. By now we can begin to glimpse at the possibility of these inclinations of spirituality, transcendence and religious devotion being anchored to the brain's circuits. This will therefore be the territory focused on, although often we will move away from the nervous tissue to delve into the architectures of the cognitive tasks commanded by the brain, and into the customs and social norms where beliefs and devout habits are so promiscuously included.

Publisher: Publicacions de la Universitat de València Year of issue: 2013

Results from 5 to 8 of 94

2024 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

B.11870-2012 ISSN: 2014-6388