University Master's Degree in Economics and Business Administration

Solid, advanced and versatile training for students who want to improve their tools and techniques to use them in the analysis of a wide range of current economic topics

Content Official Master's Degree in Economics and Business Administration

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 27th to the 1st of May: Registration is open!

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Master's dissertation

As the final element in the master's degree, the thesis gives the student an opportunity to demonstrate expertise in the chosen area and to develop the necessary team-work skills.

  • The master's thesis is a carefully argued scholarly paper of approximately 6.000 – 7.500 words of main text (excluding tables, figures, and references), i.e. roughly 25-30 pages.
  • In MEBA the master theses are written in groups of 2-3 people.
  • It is the students' task to propose a group to other classmates or to join an existing group.
  • The thesis must have a focus that falls within the topics of the MEBA program, and it must be written under the guidance of an advisor.
  • Any regular faculty member at the UAB Faculty of Economics and Business Studies is entitled, although not required, to become a master thesis supervisor. It is students' responsibility to find an advisor.
  • Approval of thesis topic and thesis advisor by the MEBA coordinators is needed.