Activity details

Thursday, May 30 2024


Generació d'Idees Programme Demoday

UAB Emprèn - UAB Research Park


The Demoday of the Generació d'Idees Programme will take place at the UAB Research Park on May 30th. During this demoday, the five finalist teams will expose their innovative ideas in OneHealth matters in from of a jury with an expertise in evaluating businesses ideas:

  • Maite Martín, CEO at Plataforma OneHealth
  • Lluís Ruiz, general director of Leukos and CEO at Aquilón
  • Lucas Martín, patent and technology transfer technician at UAB

The projects being presented are the following:

  1. PRIMESIGN ALZHEIMERS TEST: rapid diagnostic test for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification of the patients at the point of care.
  2. REPLANTEGEM: transformation of urban spaces and the way people interact through green infrastructure and civic participation. 
  3. NANOBLOCK: a standard modular system based on the assembly of functional proteic blocks for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases. 
  4. SEPSISGUARD: a rapid and highly sensitive diagnostic kit designed for the identification of pathogens and antibiotic resistances in blood samples from patients with sepsis. 
  5. REGEMED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS: Skin Fast Regenerator Device that instantly manufactures customised solutions from the fabric itself. 

The demoday will have the presence of Natalia Majó, Professor of the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy at the UAB and currently head of the Animal Health Research Center (IRTA-CRESA). 

In order to register it is necessary to fill out this form

Place: UAB Research Park

Date: Thursday 30, May2024 - 11:30h

Organiser: UAB Research Park with the sponsorship of Reig Jofre and the City Council of Sant Cugat del Vallès and the support of Banc Sabadell.